category: Advent

Advent Reflection: Day 18

Wednesday, December 15

Micah 4:8–13; Luke 7:31–35

The Old Testament passage for today in Micah hints of a coming honor for Zion; it pointed to the glory of a coming Messiah who would reign. We know it suggested the hope of Jesus.

As someone relatively new to social media (I joined Facebook when our son was in Italy so I could see the photos he posted), it is intriguing to see the concurrent stream of genius and absurdity. At times, I learn something truly amazing. It is often some brilliant idea or amazing fact that escaped me in all of my years of formal education. Then, almost simultaneously, someone will post something so factually inaccurate that I will ask myself what is the point of all of this and why do we waste our time.

Increasingly it seems that many posts are staking out extreme positions on issues. It has started to feel like the silly way we responded as children when someone was saying something we did not want to hear. We stuck our fingers in our ears while saying, “blah, blah, blah, I’m not listening.”

Much like the dichotomy of social media, in the parable in Luke 7:31-35, Jesus shares the divergence of viewpoints about himself and John. He says the people are rejecting both the message and the messenger. The people of this generation are similar to children who are playing a game of extremes, never satisfied with either end of the spectrum, refusing to listen. He contradicts those who questioned John’s pronouncement and His place as the Messiah, fulfilling that declaration. They have their fingers in their ears and, blah, blah, blah, they are not listening and they are factually inaccurate.

We must guard against doing the same thing today. We often fail to hear the good news of the coming Messiah as though we were not listening. It is a call to both rejoice and live for Christ in such a way that our actions point to our redeemed nature.

With just ten days before Christmas, we are being called to prepare ourselves to celebrate His coming and to live in a way that both hears and lives His message. Lord, help me to listen to hear your call to celebrate your coming and to serve others, fulfilling the work of your Kingdom. Help me to do so with all of my heart, mind, and strength.

Bruce Boyles
Associate Provost, Professional and Graduate Studies Professor, Ed.D., College of Education

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Advent Reflection: Day 19

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