category: Advent

2023 Advent Devotion: Day 14

Saturday, December 16

Habakkuk 3:13-19; Matthew 21:28-32

In this time of preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth we read the words in Matthew’s Gospel about two sons. The father tells the older boy to go into the vineyard and work but the boy answers, “No.” Later, however, he changes his mind and goes. The second is then asked to go out into the vineyard and work and he agrees to, but then he does not take action. Jesus focused this message on the religious leaders of his day. He wanted to make it plain that sinners would come into the Kingdom of God before the religious leaders. The father in this story represents God. The older brother represents notorious sinners, and the younger those who claim righteousness but do not show it in their actions.

When looking at this from a personal angle, it shows that it doesn’t matter what your original answer has been to God; it is your actions that count. Perhaps you have turned him away when he called you to his vineyard but in time willingly took your place in the work he called you to. Perhaps you have made promises to God and yet your actions have not backed up your words. Remember that when Jesus returns he is coming for the sinners, those who realize the need for a Savior and not those who believe they can save themselves. He comes for those who have obeyed his command.

God invites you and me both to work in his vineyard. It is up to each of us how we will respond. I pray that you would join the multitude of others as they have made their way to God’s vineyard to work in his Kingdom, knowing that their invitation was not based on their merit but on the faithfulness of Jesus himself.

Elizabeth Cothran
School of Divinity Graduate

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