category: Advent

2024 Advent Devotion: Day 13

Friday, December 13

Amos 8:4-12; 2 Corinthians 9:1-15

It is casino night at the local country club. A charity event is held in honor of some of the wealthiest members of the city. Everybody is there to have fun, gamble, and more importantly raise money for a good cause. Will is less concerned with the latter and is having the time of his life, finding himself on a hot streak at one of the craps tables. Just when he thought the night would not get any better, a raffle is being held and the guests are waiting to see who will win the $1,000 check. Will’s number is called and he is the winner of this grand prize! There’s just one problem. The host of the evening expected Will to donate “his” check back to the charity. “It is club tradition,” the host said to Will. Of course, Will being naïve and oblivious to the implications at stake, scoffs and leaves with the check.

Generosity was not part of Will’s plan, but it is a part of God’s. We are all blessed generously and graciously by God. With that blessing comes a responsibility, a duty not to hoard goods selfishly, an obligation to practice business with justice and for the welfare of others. A responsibility to bless others as we have been blessed, not begrudgingly or out of obligation, but bountifully and cheerfully. More importantly, a commitment to respond in obedience to God’s promptings and grace. Make no mistake; God takes this responsibility very seriously as we see in Amos.

At the end of this episode of “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” Will finally got the message that through his blessing he had a responsibility to pay it forward and help someone else. Although the country club expected the check to come back to them, Will instead gave the check to a little boy to help pay for a basketball camp he wanted to attend. In Will’s words, he gave the little boy “a break” just as he had received one by winning the raffle.

The truth is: What, where, how, and to whom we give is not as important as having the heart of one who recognizes the necessity to be a blessing and accepts the responsibility. Why? Because it delights the Lord. As we reflect on this Advent season, let us remember God’s greatest gift to us. May we never fail to hear the words of the Lord and learn to give and respond to others with the same manner of grace God bestows upon us. We offer thanks to God for being the one who graciously gives seeds to us. Let us respond through grace by choosing to be faithful and generous sowers.

Ricky Alston
School of Divinity Student

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