Clubs are encouraged to travel on behalf of the college for club purposes, as their budget allows. Students are expected to behave in a manner befitting of a GWU student and represent the University favorably. Students are still held responsible to the Student Code of Conduct located in the Student Handbook while traveling.
All Club Sports travel must be approved in advance by the ADSE. To gain approval for a trip the Travel Form must be submitted in Involve two weeks prior to the departure date. This lead time will give officers, Student Engagement staff, and Fleet Manager enough time to make all necessary travel arrangements.
Only official club members and advisors, who have the following will be approved to travel:
No guests, friends, family members, or other students not on the official roster will be allowed to travel with the club. All travelers must be listed on the Travel Form roster.
One member must keep their club’s Emergency Binder with the club roster, each member’s emergency contact form, copies of each member’s insurance cards, and Safety Officer certifications with them while traveling.