Tuition and Fees
Gardner-Webb University will make every effort to keep operating costs low while providing quality programs. Through the support of various affiliated organizations, private gifts from alumni, businesses, friends, and endowment earnings, Gardner-Webb is able to charge less than the actual cost of instruction and other services. Tuition increases are usually implemented at the beginning of the summer; however, the University reserves the right to adjust tuition and other charges at the beginning of any semester if such adjustments are necessary in the judgment of the Board of Trustees.
Tuition is charged by the credit hour and each class offered in the Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Nursing Practice and Doctor of Education programs are three (3) hour classes. Part-time students are enrolled in three (3) or six (6) credit hours or one (1) or two (2) classes respectively. Full-time students are enrolled in at least nine (9) credit hours, or three (3) classes, or more. The average full-time student is enrolled in twelve (12) credit hours.
Keep in mind that your program of study may also require additional fees as described below.
Welcome to Gardner-Webb University. We are honored that you have chosen GWU to further your education and offer this synopsis of financial information to aid the transition into your studies.
Each semester the Gardner-Webb University Student Accounts Office will provide an online bill for each student detailing charges (tuition, fees, etc.) and anticipated credits (grants, loans, etc.). For students who are registered, the GWU online bill generally becomes available for review about five weeks prior to the first class of the semester. Later registrants may expect to see an online bill within a matter of days of enrollment. After reviewing the bill, questions regarding charges should be directed to the Student Accounts Office at (704) 406-4287; questions regarding financial aid should be directed to the Financial Planning Office at (704) 406-4243.
Please note: The deadline for making payment in full or setting up a deferred payment plan, will be the last day of the month in which classes begin. The actual due date will be provided via the online bill each semester.
The top portion of the billing page reflects your class schedule. The middle of the page includes charges to the left and anticipated credits to the right. Any remaining balance, indicating the amount for which the student remains personally responsible by the due date, is included below the charges section.
Additional links will be listed at the bottom of the online billing page including the insurance waiver form, a deferred payment plan, and a link for paying via credit or debit card.
Any balance may be paid by the due date via one of the following methods:
Cash, check, money order or credit/debit card presented in person to Student Accounts located within the Student Services Suite on the lower level of the Dover Campus Center. (please include student ID number on check memo line).
Check or money order, payable to Gardner-Webb University, mailed to GWU Student Accounts, PO Box 7324, Boiling Springs NC 28017.
Credit or debit card (Mastercard, Vis, Discover or American Express) via the online payment link at any time or by calling the Student Accounts Office between 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. weekdays at (704) 406-4287. Please note that card info is not retained for security reasons. It will need to be resubmitted for each payment made via card.
*A service charge of 2.75% will be assessed on all domestic credit/debit card payments. International card payments will be subject to a 4.25% service charge.
Deferred payment plan to be found toward the bottom of the online bill. If charges and credits appear correct, click on the deferred payment link. (Print a copy of the plan before clicking on accept.) Submit the initial payment to the Student Accounts Office by the due date.
GWU utilizes an online billing system; paper bills are mailed only if the student contacts the Student Accounts Office directly and specifically requests a hardcopy of the semester statement.
It is important to review the online E-awards/eligibility section of Student Financial Aid to ensure all requirements have been completed (loan applications, loan entrance counseling, signing of the master promissory note, etc.). It is also important to review the charges and anticipated credits on your online bill for accuracy, for balances owed, and for payment due dates.
Some students receiving financial aid are selected for “verification.” Additional information required for the verification process, such as W2s or other tax documents, should be supplied by the student to the Financial Planning Office in a timely fashion at the beginning of the semester in order to avoid late fees.
Specific questions regarding financial aid/anticipated credits may be directed to the Financial Planning Office (704) 406-4243; questions regarding charges, the online bill, or payments may be directed to the Student Accounts Office (704) 406-4287.
Graduate students may charge textbooks to their student account during the first three weeks of the semester by visiting the Campus Shop. This section will provide instructions regarding online orders as well as return/refund policies.
If a student has sufficient financial aid, textbooks ordered online will be charged against the excess credit, reducing any anticipated refund for the student. For other graduate students who ordered textbooks online, the payment will be due approximately four weeks after the first class meeting.
Refunds typically become available approximately 10-14 days after aid monies or other payments have been received that pay in excess of the semester’s bill. Refund checks normally are mailed to the student’s home address that is on file with the Registrar’s Office.
Much of the correspondence from the University will be to your assigned GWU e-mail address. However, it is important to ensure that your mailing address is updated as necessary through the MyGWU portal via the “Maintain Information – Address Change” link online.
Employer reimbursement is treated as a semester-by-semester contract and must be renewed each semester. Students may apply by downloading the two-page employer reimbursement policy/form at the lower left corner of the student’s online bill. Fax the letter from the employer, indicating reimbursement specifics as noted in the policy guidelines, along with the signed individual form to the Student Accounts Office fax (704) 406-3055. Payment for the portion covered by employer reimbursement will be due to the University no later than three weeks after the end of the semester.
Tuition and fees are payable in full at registration; however, the University makes available a deferred payment plan to students who prefer to pay their semester’s costs in payments rather than in a lump sum at registration. This plan allows you to pay the balance due over a four month period during the fall and spring semesters (a two-month payment plan is offered during the shorter summer sessions).
The deferred payment plan may be found under the “Use a Payment Plan” link at the bottom of your online bill. Click on the link and the balance for which you are responsible will be broken into payments with amounts and due dates reflected in a copy of the plan (student should print this copy prior to clicking on “accept” for future reference).
The plan includes a $15 application fee and a nominal service fee of 2-percent on the deferred payments. Your student account will reflect the deferred payment arrangement once you have actually made the first payment which will be due the first week of the semester.
Please note that failure to make payments per the agreement may result in late fees and additional interest charges. Unpaid balances are not carried over from one semester to another and all indebtedness to the University must be satisfied before students will be permitted to register for the next semester