PA students

Physician Assistant Tuition and Fees

Department of Physician Assistant Studies

Required to Apply

Expense Required to ApplyAmount
Supplemental Application$100

*The Gardner-Webb University Physician Assistant Program utilizes CASPA for all applications. Information regarding the CASPA application cost can be found online.

In addition, the Gardner-Webb University Physician Assistant Program requires a supplemental application. Instructions for completing the supplemental application and submitting the non-refundable $100 supplemental application fee will be sent to applicants via email once their CASPA application becomes visible to PA Admissions.

Required to Matriculate

Expenses Required to MatriculateAmount
Acceptance Deposit (non-refundable)* $1,500
Background check (annually)
Drug screen
Training:  HIPAA, OSHA, BBP
Immunization or immunity verify $28
Basic Cardiac Life Support $80
Medical Equipment $850
Computer Technology (laptop/tablet) $2,000

*For seats offered a seat, the candidates must pay the $1,500 non-refundable deposit within one week of notification of acceptance to hold their seat. This money will be applied toward first-semester tuition costs. Accepted candidates who do not pay the $1,500 deposit within the required time frame forfeit their seats.

Tuition & Fees

The standard graduate tuition DOES NOT apply to students who matriculate into the GWU Physician Assistant Studies Program. The following table outlines the expected tuition and fees associated with attending the Gardner-Webb University Physician Assistant Program. 

2026 Cohort Tuition (per semester)$15,020
2027 Cohort Tuition (per semester)$15,510
2028 Cohort Tuition (per semester)$16,130
PA Program Fees
PA Clinical Fees
$500/semester (beginning with the 2027 Cohort)
Digital Learning Fee
($75 x 7 semesters)
Graduate Parking Sticker ($50/year) $125
Background check (annually)
Drug screen
Training:  HIPAA, OSHA, BBP

Program Required Expenses

The table below includes estimates of additional expenses incurred by the students.

Textbooks* $1,735
NCAPA (once for 28 months) $10
AAPA (once for 28 months) $75
Scrubs & Lab Coats $160
Graduation Expenses (application fee and regalia) $225
*If eBooks are used, textbook fee is ~$300

The following information is provided only as an estimation of potential costs during the clinical year. This information has been curated from student and alumni surveys and by the program as available. This information is subject to change based on various factors, including market factors. Students should only use this information for planning purposes.  

2024-2025 Estimated Costs during Clinical Year 

Area of Expense Average Cost per Month
Additional Housing* $425 
Clinical Onboarding Fees** $30 
Miscellaneous Costs (parking fees, scrubs) Varies/non-standard 
Total: $455 
*Housing costs vary. The program partners with NC AHEC for most rotations during the clinical year. AHEC charges $14/day for student housing. Students may choose to arrange other housing options at their cost. Some out of state clinical sites offer reduced rate or free housing options. NC AHEC housing may not always be available. Housing costs do not include travel costs, which may include gas, mileage, airfare, or other travel costs for rotations at distance from campus. Typically, travel costs are minimal for in state rotations. Housing costs do not include the costs for students who maintain leases or mortgages during the clinical year.  
**Onboarding fees are typically paid for via subscription service once at the beginning of the clinical year. These costs may be around $200. At minimum, students will have to purchase certain onboarding subscription packages for background checks, urine drug screens, and fingerprinting. Students may also have to pay for immunizations or other lab costs to verify required information. This cost varies based on student health insurance coverage. Estimates are around $160 for the entire year.