Organizational Constitution

Guidelines for Creating a Constitution

All student organizations are required to submit a proposed constitution as part of their application to become an officially recognized active campus organization. Once approved, this constitution serves as the governing document for your organization.

It is required that each organization have an up-to-date copy of the constitution loaded onto their organization’s Involve profile at all times. Additionally, all members of the organization should have an up-to-date copy and be familiar with the document. This information will help to ensure that all members are aware of how the organization functions.

Key Elements

Note: You are welcome to use the italicized text as a guideline when writing your constitution.


We the members of (name of organization), and subscribing to mission and policies of Gardner- Webb University establish this Constitution to govern the matters within our organization.

ARTICLE I: Organization Name

  • The name of this organization or association is: please provide the full, official name of the organization, as well as any acronyms the organizations may use.
  • This is the appropriate place to list any national or local affiliations.

ARTICLE II: Organization Purpose/Mission

Enter a comprehensive, yet concise statement of purpose. This statement may have several ideas or objectives. Be as precise as possible, as this statement outlines the overarching objectives of your organization.

The purpose/mission of____________________________ shall be ___________________________.

ARTICLE III: Membership

  • This article should include a sufficient number of sections to cover all information and requirements about membership including, but not limited to: types (active, associate, honorary, and others), qualifications (grade point average, areas of interest, etc.), election or selection, dues (any dues or payment necessary to be a member of the organization), and method of application.
  • Included in an appropriate Article or Articles shall be the information:

Membership shall be limited to regularly enrolled fulltime traditional undergraduate students.

ARTICLE IV: Non-Discrimination

  • It is required that you state and adhere to the following statement:

Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to age, ethnicity, gender, disability, color, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

ARTICLE V: Officers (qualifications; terms; election and removal)

  • This section should contain the officer positions and the duration of terms. Provisions should be made for election, removal, and vacancy of office (typically accomplished through voting).
  • Note: Names should never appear in the constitution, only the positions.

Suggested Officer Responsibilities:

Each student organization should determine and outline the specific responsibilities of each office in its constitution or charter as best suits the needs of the organization. These roles may vary, and organizations may decide to create additional “need-specific” officer positions as necessary. Listed below are suggested responsibilities for basic officer positions:


  • Preside over the organization
  • Call special meetings as needed
  • Facilitate executive board meetings
  • Prepare and file required reports in conjunction with other officers
  • Appoint Committee chairs
  • Maintain communication with organization advisor
  • Maintain communication with organization alumni
  • Maintain communication with affiliated department or community partner
  • Maintain communication with any affiliated national organization
  • Represent the organization to the University

Vice President

  • Assume the duties of the President in his or her absence
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of standing committees
  • Direct constitutional revisions/updates
  • Facilitate officer elections
  • Oversee recruiting of new members
  • Serve as spokesperson for the organization
  • Serve as secondary signatory on financial accounts
  • Assist all executive officers
  • Provide follow‐up to organizational tasks
  • Coordinate executive board officer transitions
  • Represent organization at official functions
  • Provide encouragement and motivation to officers & organization members
  • Serve as Parliamentarian if the this office is vacant


  • Obtain appropriate facilities for organization activities
  • Maintain membership records
  • Maintain activities records
  • Prepare meeting agenda with the President
  • Notify all members of meetings
  • Prepare organization calendar of events
  • Keep the organization informed of both organization and university business
  • Keep and distribute minutes of each meeting


  • Should be familiar with accounting procedures and policies
  • Maintain communication with advisor regarding all funds
  • Serve as the primary signatory on financial forms
  • Serve as chair of the financial forms
  • Pay organization bills
  • Collect any organization dues
  • Keep all financial records of the organization
  • Prepare annual budget and required allocation forms
  • Prepare all funds requisitions
  • Prepare and submit financial reports to members
  • Maintain a financial history of the organization

Additional common officer positions:

Parliamentarian, Programming/Special Events Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Recruitment Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator.

The officers of this organization shall consist of: (state the number of officers, their titles, and their general duties and responsibilities).

Qualifications for office, are: (if any: GPA, previous experience, etc.)

Term limits: (state the number of terms that an individual may be allowed to hold a particular office).

Election: (state the method and frequency of electing officers, as well as the vote required to take office).

Provisions for removal: (state how an officer is removed, how the process is initiated, voting requirements, and what steps for an appeal).

Provisions for officer vacancies:

Faculty/Staff Advisor Responsibilities:

Faculty/staff advisors are vital to the success and effectiveness of every student-led organization. Advisors serve to equip and empower students to accomplish the mission of their organization and that of Gardner-Webb University.

Advisors should:

  • Be familiar with the information outlined in this handbook.
  • Assist the organization in identifying its goals.
  • Aid in submitting re-registration forms each spring, specifically the annual funding request forms.
  • Aid in the clarification of member and officer responsibilities within the group.
  • Be an advocate for the organization
  • Oversee spending, accounts & budget.
  • Oversee all program planning as well as evaluate any potential risks involved
  • Reservations in Meeting Room Manager.
  • Attend or assign an alternative faculty/staff member to attend all trips and outings sponsored by the organization
  • Sign all official forms pertaining to the organization.
  • Serve as a resource person to help in resolving problems and issues confronting the group through alternative solutions
  • Communicate information and requests from the university to student members as needed including due dates, forms, processes, policies, etc. These will come by email from ADSE.
  • Connect student members to resources as needed.
  • Oversee the organization’s adherence to policy and procedure.

Advisors should avoid:

  • Completing official club paperwork (have students do it.)
  • Organizing or facilitating leadership meetings.
  • Planning events without student involvement.
  • Running events, projects, or fundraisers.
  • Overseeing club communications.
  • Most of the “grunt” work

There shall be (1, 2, etc.) faculty/staff member advisors who shall be the members’ ex-officio with no voting privileges.
Method of selection of advisors:
Duties and responsibilities of an advisor (include expectations for involvement):

  • Method of removing advisors:

ARTICLE VI: Meetings

  • This article should state the provisions for setting up a regular meeting time, any provisions to be made for calling a special meeting, and stipulations for a quorum; the officer position which has the authority to call meetings should also be stated here.
  • Note: Locations and/or specific dates should not be listed here as they are typically subject to change.

ARTICLE VII: Amendments

  • Explain the process for making amendments to this constitution. This is typically done through a majority vote by members at an official team meeting.