Summary of Program Evaluation Results

Graduate faculty members reviewed evaluation data derived from the Annual Learning Assessment for the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program – Boiling Springs campus, the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program – Charlotte campus, and the School Counseling Program for the 2023-2024 academic year. Analysis of this data indicates that most students in each program are performing successfully in all curricular areas. Based on students’ demonstration of mastery of content, the overall curricular design of the programs will be maintained, with the exceptions noted below.

While students were ultimately able to perform successfully in their practicum and internship settings, School Counseling Program faculty members continue to see a need for additional practice of counseling skills prior to practicum. The recently approved 60-hour School Counseling Program (discussed below) includes a course designed to address this concern. The new course is scheduled to be offered in Fall 2024.

Changes to the School Counseling Program also necessitated changes to the developmental sequence of courses. One of these changes involved restructuring CEDU 640 (The Counselor as Professional, Practitioner, and Consultant) to function as an introductory course and moving it to the first semester of the program. The first cohort to take the restructured course performed well on the associated Key Performance Indicator (KPI), and informal student feedback indicated a high degree of satisfaction with the course structure. In addition to the adjustments made to CEDU 640, changes to CEDU 601/602 (Counseling Theories & Techniques I & II) are in progress. These two courses will be replaced by CEDU 615 (The Helping Relationship) and CEDU 610 (Counseling Theories). We anticipate these new courses will be in place for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Ongoing Program Modifications

  • Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling Concentration: The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program added a Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling (MCFC) Concentration as an option for students pursuing the M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling beginning in the fall 2020 semester. In response to student feedback, changes were made in the course sequence to allow students completing this concentration to graduate with their cohort instead of taking the MCFC courses at the end of the program. The first graduates with the MCFC Concentration completed the program in August 2024.
  • Transition to Partially Hybrid Programs: The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program shifted the delivery method for eight courses from fully face-to-face to 50 percent online, with the first hybrid courses offered in the fall 2021 semester. Faculty members are continuing to monitor the effectiveness of this program modification.
  • 60-hour School Counseling Program: The School Counseling Program shifted from 48-hours to 60-hours with the 2023 cohort. In addition to the course work offered in the 48-hour program, students take CEDU 660 (Substance Use Disorder Counseling), CEDU 617 (Counseling in Schools), CEDU 698 (Professional Development of the School Counselor), and an elective. As with the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program, the 60-hour School Counseling Program includes eight hybrid courses.

Program Outcome Data for 2023-2024

Performance MetricsClinical Mental Health Counseling Program – Boiling SpringsClinical Mental Health Counseling Program- CharlotteSchool Counseling Program
Total # of Graduates
Pass Rate on Licensure Exam (2023-2024)100%100%100%
Job Placement Rate (2023-2024)100%100%100%
Completion in Expected Timeframe (rate for students who began in 2020/2021*)73%83%93%
Overall Graduation Rate
(rate for students who began in 2020/2021*)
Completion in Expected Timeframe (based on average for students beginning
the program between 2015-2019/2020*)
Overall Graduation Rate
(based on average for students beginning the program between 2015-2019/2020*)
*Percentages reported for the School Counseling Program include students beginning in 2020 and 2021. Percentages reported for the CMHC Program (Boiling Springs and Charlotte campuses) include completion rates only for students beginning in 2021.

Based on those students who reported on their post-graduation employment, Gardner-Webb graduates are taking positions in private practices, agencies, psychiatric in-patient facilities, schools, hospice and palliative care, and substance treatment facilities. In addition to the data reported above on the job placement rate of 2023-2024 graduates, responses from a survey of graduates who completed one of our counseling programs between 2021 and 2024 indicated that 97% of graduates who sought employment in the field of counseling were currently employed in the counseling field.

Enrollment by Gender and Ethnicity – Fall 2023

RaceClinical Mental Health CounselingSchool CounselingTotal
Boiling Springs CampusCharlotte CampusBoiling Springs Campus
2 or More Races10012031

Key Performance Indicators Report for Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
(Boiling Springs Campus)
Academic Year 2023-202

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)Percentage of Students
Meeting Benchmark Score
CMHC-KPI 1a: Identify and develop professional and ethical behaviors
consistent with those defined and demonstrated within professional
counseling associations (i.e. ACA, AAMFT, ACMHCA, AMCD)
CMHC-KPI 1b: Examine the cultural contexts of relationships, issues, and
trends in a multicultural society and generate therapeutic conceptualizations and interventions 
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 100%
CMHC-KPI 1c: Examine the nature and needs of persons at all
developmental levels and generate appropriate therapeutic
conceptualizations and interventions
CMHC-KPI 1d: Evaluate career development and related life factors as part
of clinical assessment of clients’ therapeutic needs
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 100%
CMHC-KPI 1e: Evaluate the counseling process for diverse client
populations and demonstrate helping skills needed for successful
professional practice
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 100%
CMHC-KPI 1f: Examine and apply theoretical and experiential
understandings of group process as a means of promoting therapeutic change
CMHC -KPI 1h: Examine and apply research methods, statistical analysis,
needs assessment, and program evaluation
CMHC -KPI 1h: Examine and apply research methods, statistical analysis,
needs assessment, and program evaluation
CMHC-KPI 2a: Apply strategies of consultation and collaboration
necessary for building effective working teams of professional
colleagues, family members of clients, and community members
to promote the psychological/emotional/personal/social development of clients
CMHC-KPI 2b: Construct effective and ethical treatment plans to serve the
mental health needs of client populations using appropriate diagnostic
principles and tools while considering multicultural factors.
CMHC-KPI 2c: Assemble research and conclude learned knowledge of
professional elements for clinical mental health counseling to provide
competent and ethical clinical services for diverse client populations
and presenting problems, for self-care, and for client and profession advocacy.
CMHC-KPI 3: Apply professional knowledge, skills, theoretical techniques,
and ethical practices to promote holistic wellbeing for diverse client
populations and presenting problems

Key Performance Indicators Report for Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
(Charlotte Campus)
Academic Year 2022-2023

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)Percentage of Students
Meeting Benchmark Score
CMHC-KPI 1a: Identify and develop professional and ethical
behaviors consistent with those defined and demonstrated
within professional counseling associations
CMHC-KPI 1b: Examine the cultural contexts of relationships, issues,
and trends in a multicultural society and generate therapeutic
and interventions
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 100%
CMHC-KPI 1c: Examine the nature and needs of persons at all
developmental levels and generate appropriate therapeutic
conceptualizations and interventions
CMHC-KPI 1d: Evaluate career development and related life factors as
part of clinical assessment of clients’ therapeutic needs
CMHC-KPI 1e: Evaluate the counseling process for diverse client
populations and demonstrate helping skills needed for successful
professional practice
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 100%
CMHC-KPI 1f: Examine and apply theoretical and experiential
understandings of group process as a means of promoting
therapeutic change
CMHC-KPI 1g: Examine and apply individual and group approaches to
CMHC-KPI 1h: Examine and apply research methods, statistical
analysis, needs assessment, and program evaluation
CMHC-KPI 2a: Apply strategies of consultation and collaboration
necessary for building effective working teams of professional
colleagues, family members of clients, and community members
to promote the psychological/emotional/personal/social
development of clients
CMHC-KPI 2b: Construct effective and ethical treatment plans to
serve the mental health needs of client populations using
appropriate diagnostic principles and tools while considering
multicultural factors.
CMHC-KPI 2c: Assemble research and conclude learned knowledge of
professional elements for clinical mental health counseling to
provide competent and ethical clinical services for diverse client
populations and presenting problems, for self-care, and for client and
profession advocacy.
CMHC-KPI 3: Apply professional knowledge, skills, theoretical
techniques, and ethical practices to promote holistic wellbeing
for diverse client populations and presenting problems

Key Performance Indicators Report for School Counseling Program
Academic Year 2023-202

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)Percentage of Students
Meeting Benchmark Score
SC-KPI 1a: Identify and develop professional and ethical behaviors
consistent with those defined and demonstrated within professional
counseling associations (i.e. ACA, AAMFT, ASCA, AMCD)
SC-KPI 1b: Examine the cultural contexts of relationships, issues,
and trends in a multicultural society and generate therapeutic
conceptualizations and interventions 
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 –75%
SC-KPI 1c: Examine the nature and needs of persons at all
developmental levels and generate appropriate therapeutic
conceptualizations and interventions
SC-KPI 1d: Evaluate career development and related life factors as
part of clinical assessment of clients’ therapeutic needs
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 100%
SC-KPI 1e: Evaluate the counseling process for diverse client
populations and demonstrate helping skills needed for successful
professional practice
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 75%
SC-KPI 1f: Examine and apply theoretical and experiential
understandings of group process as a means of promoting
therapeutic change
SC-KPI 1g: Examine and apply individual and group approaches to assessmentN/A
SC-KPI 1h: Examine and apply research methods, statistical analysis,
needs assessment, and program evaluation
SC-KPI 2a: Demonstrate understanding of the history and
development of the school counseling profession and current
models of program design, including attention to comprehensive
career development, school-based collaboration and consultation,
and P-12 specific assessments
SC-KPI 2b: Demonstrate understanding of the effective and ethical
functioning of school counselors in their varied roles in serving the
academic and mental health needs of students
SC-KPI 2c: Demonstrate understanding of the elements of school
counseling program development that contribute to the effective
provision of competent counseling services to P-12 students
Measure 1 – 100%
Measure 2 – 100%
SC-KPI 3: Demonstrate the professional knowledge, skills, and
practices necessary to promote the academic, career, and
personal/social development of all P-12 students

Survey Responses from Program Graduates,
Site Supervisors, and Employers of Graduates (2021-2024)

GWU Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program graduates:Graduates
(out of 4.00)
(out of 4.00)
(out of 4.00)
Demonstrate professional and ethical expectations for counselors3.673.893.
Work respectfully and effectively with clients from various
cultural contexts
Provide developmentally appropriate counseling services3.564.
Effectively address the career development needs and related life
factors of clients
Evaluate the effectiveness of the counseling services provided and
make adjustments as needed
Provide effective group counseling services3.443.783.
Effectively use counseling related assessment tools and methods3.563.783.753.004.004.00
Effectively use research and program evaluation tools and methods3.563.783.75NR3.003.00
Demonstrate effective case conceptualization and diagnostic skills3.893.893.753.004.004.00
Demonstrate effective consultation and collaboration skills3.673.894.
Contribute to the effective provision and management of
competent counseling services
Demonstrate the professional knowledge, skills, and practices
necessary to promote the academic, career, and personal/social
development of a variety of client populations.
GWU School Counseling Program graduates:Graduates
(out of 4.00)
(out of 4.00)
(out of 4.00)
Demonstrate professional and ethical expectations for counselors3.93 3.83NR
Work respectfully and effectively with clients from various
cultural contexts

Provide developmentally appropriate counseling services3.803.33NR
Effectively address the career development needs and related life
factors of clients
Evaluate the effectiveness of the counseling services provided and
make adjustments as needed
Provide effective group counseling services3.873.33NR
Effectively use counseling related assessment tools and methods3.803.33NR
Effectively use research and program evaluation tools and methods3.803.33NR
Plan and coordinate comprehensive school counseling programs3.803.50NR
Demonstrate effective consultation and collaboration skills3.873.50NR
Contribute to the effective provision and management of
competent counseling services within the school environment
Demonstrate professional knowledge, skills, and practices
necessary to promote the academic, career, and personal/social
development of all P-12 students