Students achieving a minimum score of 3 on an Advanced Placement test of the College Board will be given advanced placement with credit for the course covered by the test. Scores of 4 or 5 will receive advanced credit. Course Equivalencies for AP tests are listed below.

Advanced Placement ExamGardner-Webb Credit
Day / DCP
[Total Hrs]
Minimum Required Score for Granting Credit
Art / History of ArtARTS 225 / ART 307 [3 hrs]3
Art & DesignCredit may be accepted at the discretion of Art Department3
BiologyBIOL 111 [4 hrs]
BIOL 111 & 104 [8 hrs]
4 or above
ChemistryCHEM 111 [4 hrs]
CHEM 111 & CHEM 112 [ 8 hrs]
4 or above
Chinese Language & CultureLANG 101 [3 hrs]
LANG 101 and LANG 102 [6 hrs]
4 or above
Computer Science / ACISS 201 [3 hrs]3
Computer Science / ABCISS 201 & CISS 380 [ 6 hrs]3
Economics / MacroECON 203 [3 hrs]3
Economics / MicroECON 204 [3 hrs]3
English / Language & CompositionENGL 101 [3 hrs]
ENGL 101 & ENGL 1XX [6 hrs]
4 or above
English / Literature & CompositionENGL 101 [3 hrs]
ENGL 101 & ENGL 1XX [6 hrs]
4 or above
Environmental ScienceBIOL 104 [4 hrs]3
French LanguageFREN 101 [3 hrs]
FREN 101 & 102 [6 hrs]
4 or above
French/Francophone LiteratureFREN 299 [3 hrs]
FREN 299 and FREN 1XX [6 hrs]
4 or above
German LanguageGERM 101 [3 hrs]
GERM 101 and GERM 102 [6 hrs]
4 or above
Government & Politics: A Comparative OverviewPOLS 201 [3 hrs]3
Government & Politics / USPOLS 202 / PSC 302 [3 hrs]3
History / EuropeanHIST 101 & 102 / HIS 301 & 302 [6 hrs]3
History / United StatesHIST 244 & 245 / HIS 319 & HIS 1XX [6 hrs]3
History / WorldHIST 102 / HIS 302[3hrs]3
Human GeographyGEOG 1023
Italian Language & CultureLANG 101 [3 hrs]
LANG 101 and LANG 102 [6 hrs]
4 or above
Japanese Language & CultureLANG 101 [3 hrs]
LANG 101 and LANG 102 [6 hrs]
4 or above
LatinLANG 101 [3 hrs]
LANG 101 and LANG 102 [6 hrs]
4 or above
Mathematics / Calculus ABMATH 151 [4 hrs]3
Mathematics / Calculus BCMATH 151 & 152 [8 hrs]3
Mathematics / StatisticsMATH 105 / MTH 316 [3 hrs]3
Music Theory 1MUSC 100 [3 hrs]4 or above
Physics 1: Alg BasedPHYS 1113
Physics 2: Alg BasedPHYS 1123
Physics BPHYS 103 [4 hrs]3
Physics C / MechanicsPHYS 203 [4 hrs]3
Physics C / Electricity & MagnetismPHYS 204 [4 hrs]3
PsychologyPSYC 201 [3 hrs]3
Spanish LanguageSPAN 101 [3 hrs]
SPAN 101 & 102 [6 hrs]
4 or above
Spanish/Spanish American LiteratureSPAN 299 [3 hrs]
SPAN 299 and SPAN 1XX [6 hrs]
4 or above
StatisticsMATH 105 / MTH 316 [3 hrs]3