Mascot Appearance Request

On-Campus Appearance Request

Bo the Bulldog is Available for On-campus Appearances!

New to the Runnin’ Bulldog nation, Bo already loves to visit his GWU family and would welcome the opportunity to consider your appearance request.

However, this dawg needs his rest, to have a role on campus, to play, and frankly, cannot be everywhere, all the time. So before making your request, please review the terms and conditions below. A member of the Marketing team will follow up within 5 business days of receiving your request.

  1. Requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event. (Please note: The further in advance the request is made, the more likely Bo will be available.)
  2. Incomplete requests cannot be approved.
  3. All requests are subject to the approval of Gardner-Webb University who reserves the right to refuse for any reason.
  4. Most appearances will be limited to 1 hour or less. This is for Bo’s wellbeing and due to a very demanding schedule.
  5. I cannot appear at outdoor events during inclement weather, which includes heat. You will be notified ASAP should the decision to cancel my appearance, due to weather, be made.
  6. Gardner-Webb University reserves the right to cancel an appearance without penalty due to illness, personal emergency, schedule conflicts, etc.

Bo will be most likely to participate in events and activities that advance the Gardner-Webb mission, including the following but not limited too:

  • High-profile University events (such as prospective student events including Orientation and Early Registration, campaign events, and alumni/donor events).
  • Events requested by Gardner-Webb University’s president.
  • Gardner-Webb University athletic events, including home football and basketball games.
  • University spirit events including pep rallies and Homecoming.
  • Events requested by an official Bo the Bulldog sponsors.
  • Special requests by members of the campus community.

All other requests will be evaluated on a request-by-request basis.

  • Dawg of Distinction: Bo is part of a ceremony at an event (ie: agreement signing, ribbon-cutting, appearance on stage. Bo will not interact with guests at the event.
  • Bo Time: Pick a location where guests can come take their photo and give Bo a high five
  • Event Mingle: Bo will wag and wander at an event with guests
  • Classroom Visit: Bo will make classroom visits to support his students
  • Social Support: Support on @TheGWUBulldog social media channel at the time of his event

Requests will be evaluated on the following criteria.

  • The availability of Bo the Bulldog and his handler.
  • The appearance is a controlled and predictable environment.

Off-campus or private appearance requests are subject to an appearance fee which will go towards the Bo Fund, in support of the comprehensive needs of our thriving campus.

Additional fees for fuel or miscellaneous items may apply as well.

Appearance Request Form

Completion of this form does not guarantee an appearance.