Home / People / Dr. Linda Greene Dr. Linda Greene Coordinator of the School Counseling Program Education PhD in Counselor Education, North Carolina State UniversityMS in Counselor Education, North Carolina State UniversityBA in Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Courses Taught Graduate Counseling Theories and Techniques I (CEDU 601)Counseling Theories and Techniques II (CEDU 602)Advanced Human Growth and Development (CEDU 605)Career Development (CEDU 645)The Counselor as Professional, Practitioner, and Consultant (CEDU 640)Practicum in School Counseling (CEDU 675)Internship in School Counseling (CEDU 695, 696) Certifications NCDPI Licensure in School Counseling Research Interests Counselor SupervisionPedagogy in Counselor EducationSpirituality in CounselingCareer Development Others Interests Music and other artistic endeavorsScience Fiction