Webbstock 2025 Vendor Information & Application

General Application Information

The 2025 Webbstock Music Festival will be held April 12, 2025. The festival takes place on South Main Street in Boiling Springs and features an assortment of regional craft, food vendors, and a kids zone as well as various exhibitors and entertainment. Vendor spaces are assigned on a first come first serve basis. To guarantee space in the event please submit your application by March 10th (food vendors please see section on food permits). Applications should include a listing and photos of items sold, distributed, demonstrated, etc. This information is used to diversify the event. Vendors will be confirmed by the Town 2 weeks prior to the event with an assigned vendor space.

Applications will open soon.

Vendor Spaces & Fees

Vendor Spaces will be determined by the Vendor Coordinator and communicated to vendors two weeks prior to the event. Only one vendor may operate from each vendor space. Vendors may not pair up to circumvent fees. Spaces may not be reassigned or sublet by vendor.

Food Vendor: $150 for 12’x12′ space and $25 for each additional space

Standard Vendor/Exhibitor: $75 for 12’x12′ first space and $25 for each additional space

*Non-Profit 501C*: $35 for 12’x12′ first space and $10 for each additional space

*Proof of non-profit status must be provided with application*

Utilities, Generators, Sanitation

Not Provided

Electricity, generators, water, and wastewater will not be provided. Some food vendors may be required by the Health Department to have self-contained potable water.


Vendors distributing or selling food must provide hand sanitizer. Event area will provide public toilets and handwashing stations. Garbage should be bagged and boxes should be flattened and left on the sidewalk behind your vendor space. Please do not utilize the public garbage cans in the event area intended for festival crowds.

Event Promotion and Social Media

For event updates and festival content, follow:

Webbstock’s Festival event page on Facebook and Instagram

Gardner-Webb University on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Town of Boiling Springs on Facebook and Website

Vendors are encouraged to follow the above channels, to create their own content related to the festival, and to share the event and related social media content to promote the event.

Taxes, Food Permits, and Weather and Refund Policy

Vendors are solely responsible for collecting, reporting, and paying all appropriate taxes. All persons distributing food for sale or as samples must contact the Cleveland County Health Department at 980-484-5130 at least 4 weeks prior to the event. The Town provides the requisite Health Department forms online.

Festival is held in rain or shine. There is a strict no refund policy after an application has been processed. The event will not be cancelled due to forecasted weather conditions. If conditions are unsafe due to conditions present the day of the event, the event will be shut down by the Event Coordinator.

Rules and Guidelines

  1. Vendors must provide their own tables and table coverings. Bare tables are not be allowed.
  2. Vendors must have personnel presence in their space throughout the event.
  3. Vendors may not setup late or leave early from the event without exigent circumstances.
  4. Event and public safety personnel are the only people permitted to operate motorized vehicles such as golf carts, ATV’s and the like in the festival area.
  5. Tents and other appurtenances will be inspected and must be secure from displacement by wind and weather. Unsecured items will be ordered removed.
  6. Vendors must operate within the confines of their designated space and may peddle or sell in the area immediately in front of their space but should refrain from aggressive sales tactics.
  7. Vendors are responsible for clearing garbage and debris from their space.
  8. Vendors may not interfere with surrounding vendors with loud music or other nuisances.
  9. The sale or distribution of alcohol is prohibited by Town ordinance.

Setup and Breakdown Procedures

  • Vendors will be able to begin setting up their space from 9:00-9:45 a.m.
  • Vehicles not be cleared from festival area before 10:00 a.m.
  • Festival area will open to public at 10:00am.
  • Festival area will close at 9:00 p.m. and vehicles will be allowed out of the festival area by 9:15p.m.
  • Pile garbage behind vendor space.
  • Medical aid, lost children, etc. should be directed to the Greenway Building.

Application & Payment Instructions

If your application is approved, you will receive an email about payment instructions.

Festival Contacts:

  • For press inquiries, contact [email protected].
  • For partnership and sponsorship inquiries, contact [email protected].
  • If you would like to be a vendor at Webbstock, complete the vendor application here. For additional questions and information, contact [email protected].
  • Webbstock is an accessible event for guests with disabilities. It is our mission to provide the best experience for all event attendees. For access/ADA inquiries, contact [email protected].

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