Core Math Requirement Substitution


While the faculty at Gardner-Webb University views the learning of mathematics to be an important component of a liberal arts education, it recognizes that otherwise qualified students with disabilities may find the requirements to be a barrier to degree completion. The complete waiver of mathematics in the general studies curriculum is not granted by Gardner-Webb University; however, eligible students may apply for a course substitution. Course substitutions will not be permitted if mathematics is required for a major regardless of the disability status of the student.


  • The student must be registered with the Noel Center to make this request.
  • The mathematics substitution request must be submitted in writing to the Accessibility Advisor.
  • The Associate Dean of the Noel Center will make a decision based on all documentation. If necessary, the Documentation Review Committee will be consulted.
  • The student must provide the Associate Dean of the Noel Center appropriate documentation from a psychologist that specifically addresses a mathematics learning disability. The Associate Dean of the Noel Center may request additional professional documentation as needed.
  • The student obtains a Course Substitution Form from the Accessibility Advisor and receives a list of courses approved for substitution.
  • The advisor or department chair in the student’s major will sign the Course Substitution Form indicating the substitution is appropriate for the student’s major.
  • The completed Course Substitution Form is returned to the Noel Center.
  • The Associate Dean of the Noel Center and the student will sign the form.
  • Copies will be sent to the student, his/her accessibility advisor, academic advisor, Dean of Student Success and the Registrar.
  • The student may appeal to the department of Mathematics and present an alternate course request upholding the spirit of the math competencies of the general studies curriculum. Such a request would need to include a syllabus for the requested alternate course. The Department of Mathematics will make any decision regarding such a request.
  • The student may appeal any academic decision following the procedure outlined in the undergraduate catalog.
  • If a student changes majors after a request has been approved, a new request must be submitted.

Core Foreign Language Requirement Substitution


While the faculty at Gardner-Webb University views the learning of foreign language to be an important component of a liberal arts education, it recognizes that otherwise qualified students with disabilities may find the requirements to be a barrier to degree completion. The complete waiver of a foreign language requirement is not granted by Gardner-Webb University; however, eligible students may apply for a course substitution. Course substitutions will not be permitted if foreign language is required for a major regardless of the disability status of the student.


  • The student must be registered with the Noel Center to make this request.
  • The foreign language substitution request must be submitted in writing to the Accessibility Advisor.
  • The Associate Dean of the Noel Center will make a decision based on all documentation. If necessary, the Documentation Review Committee will be consulted.
  • The student must provide the Associate Dean of the Noel Center appropriate documentation from a psychologist that specifically addresses a language-based learning disability. The Associate Dean of the Noel Center may request additional professional documentation as needed.
  • The student obtains a Course Substitution Form from the Accessibility Advisor and receives a list of courses approved for substitution.
  • The advisor or department chair in the student’s major will sign the Course Substitution Form indicating the substitution is appropriate for the student’s major.
  • The completed Course Substitution Form is returned to the Noel Center.
  • The Associate Dean of the Noel Center and the student will sign the form.
  • Copies will be sent to the student, his/her accessibility advisor, academic advisor, Dean of Student Success and the Registrar.
  • The student may appeal to the department of World Languages and present an alternate course request upholding the spirit of the foreign language competencies of the general studies curriculum. Such a request would need to include a syllabus for the requested alternate course. The Department of World Languages will make any decision regarding such a request.
  • The student may appeal any academic decision following the procedure outlined in the undergraduate catalog.
  • If a student changes majors after a request has been approved, a new request must be submitted.

Course Substitution for Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing:

The student who is Deaf/hard of hearing that scores an advanced level or higher on the SLPI- ASL will not be required to take additional foreign language courses.