news-category: Tucker Scholarship Gardner-Webb Presents Prestigious Tucker Scholarship to Will Brooks of Shelby, N.C. By Office of University Communications On December 18, 2024 Pinnacle Classical Academy Senior is the First Male to Win the Award and the First Recipient from Cleveland County, N.C. BOILING SPRINGS, N.C.—Will Brooks, of Shelby, N.C., is the 2025 recipient of Gardner-Webb University’s highest honor for incoming undergraduate students, the Tucker Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength Scholarship. He is the sixth student in the history of the scholarship to be recognized with this honor. He also has the distinction of being the first male to win the award, and he is the first person from Cleveland County, N.C., to receive the Tucker Scholarship. Brooks was surprised with the announcement on Wednesday, Dec. 18, at Pinnacle Classical Academy in Shelby. Upon entering the Student Center filled with family, friends, and Pinnacle staff, Brooks was greeted by members of Gardner-Webb’s admissions staff and the University’s Mascot, Mac. Director of Admissions Molly Allison informed an astonished Brooks of the good news. “This is definitely a surprise,” Brooks declared. Then, he thanked Carolyn and Robert Tucker, who established the scholarship in 2019. “I will not let them down,” he added. “I’m going to work hard.” Will is the son of Derrick and Angela Brooks. His mom is the dean of secondary education at Pinnacle. She invited everyone at school to the scholarship announcement, which she kept a secret from almost everyone in the room. “Getting the Tucker Scholarship is a blessing,” she acknowledged. “I couldn’t be more excited, and proud.” Will Brooks, center, poses with his parents, Angela and Derrick, his sister, Amy, and Mac. Brooks was one of 227 high school seniors who applied for the scholarship and among 56 finalists invited to campus for interviews. Applicants represented 16 states—from as far west as Nevada to as far north as Wisconsin. The award includes full-tuition, room and board for eight semesters. The Tuckers created the scholarship to annually recognize a high school senior who exemplifies the principles and values representative of the Gardner-Webb community. The qualifications are based on the Tucker family’s life verse, Mark 12:29-31. In this passage, Jesus gives the two most important commandments: “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.” “We met a truly outstanding group of finalists over two days in early December,” shared GWU President Dr. William Downs. “For Will to emerge atop that list of high-character, high-ability students really says something special about who he is, about how well suited he is for the Gardner-Webb experience, and about how confident we are that he will faithfully represent the values of our institution in all that he does. I congratulate Will and look forward to getting to know him better…and I truly hope we also succeed in recruiting the other 55 finalists to join Will as Runnin’ Bulldogs in Fall 2025!” The Tuckers are the founders of Shoe Show Inc. in Concord, N.C. In 2010, they gave the University $5.5 million to help build the Tucker Student Center. Their daughter, Lisa, is a 1989 alumna and former volleyball player for Gardner-Webb. She has remained actively engaged with the University for over three decades and currently serves on the Board of Trustees and the Tucker Scholarship Selection Committee. She also serves as president of the family’s business. A senior at Pinnacle Classical Academy, Brooks is one of the top 10 students in his class. He plans to major in finance/economics at Gardner-Webb. Brooks is also a talented musician who sings and plays piano, guitar and bass. Brooks also plays basketball, baseball, and runs cross country, all while maintaining his high academic standards. Those who recommended him for the Tucker Scholarship noted Brooks’ perseverance, commitment to improvement, and leadership whether on the court, classroom or stage. “Whether contributing to a team effort or setting personal goals, Will has always been an example of determination and sportsmanship, earning the respect of both teammates and coaches,” noted Pinnacle’s Associate Dean of Secondary Education Cindi Welch, who is also his math teacher. “Above all, Will Brooks is a person of impeccable character. His integrity, kindness, and humility are qualities that consistently set him apart. He is a role model for his peers, demonstrating maturity, respect for others, and a positive attitude.” Welch also noted that Brooks is an active member of the National Honor Society and has participated in numerous community service projects, from an annual Relay for Life fundraiser to ringing the bell in the freezing cold for the local crisis assistance ministry at Christmas. “His passion for helping others is evident through his volunteer work, where he has made a difference in our community and beyond,” Welch stated in her letter. “Will has a strong sense of responsibility and compassion, and he is always looking for ways to give back.” Brooks was also recommended by James Laughlin, his English teacher at Pinnacle for two years. Laughlin stated that Brooks stands out because even though he is the son of the high school dean, he works hard to make a name for himself. “Will wants to make our school the best in our county,” Laughlin wrote. “And, he shows that in the various events that he volunteers at throughout the year, the committees that he serves on, and the way that he carries himself both in and out of the classroom.” The first step in the application process is to be nominated for the Tucker Scholarship by a minister, teacher, guidance counselor or community leader who is unrelated to the student. Caswell Martin, the guidance counselor at Pinnacle, nominated him, and additional letters of recommendation were submitted by Melody M. Bradley, the music director and wife of pastor Russ Bradley at New Hope Baptist Church, and Niki Bliss-Carroll, department chair of English, Communications, and Academic Study Skills at Cleveland Community College. Find out more about the Tucker Scholarship and other scholarship opportunities. Gardner-Webb University is North Carolina’s recognized leader in private, Christian higher education. A Carnegie-Classified Doctoral/Professional University, GWU is home to nine colleges and schools, more than 80 undergraduate and graduate majors, and a world-class faculty. Located on a beautiful 225-acre campus in Boiling Springs, N.C., Gardner-Webb prepares graduates to impact their chosen professions, equips them with the skills to advance the frontiers of knowledge, and inspires them to make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of others. Ignite your future at
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