The mission of the Administration and Finance Division is to support the various programs of the University by providing sufficient resources, facilities, and support services, while maintaining the financial integrity and stability of the institution as a whole by employing sound financial and administrative management. In addition, the Division strives to provide information and management to assist in the allocation of University resources in order to allow continued growth and improvement in an ever-changing economic and regulatory climate.

The Administration and Finance Division includes the following departments:

Accounts Payable
(704) 406-4284

Campus Mail Center
(704) 406-4274

Campus Shop
(704) 406-4273

Human Resources
(704) 406-3839

(704) 406-4283

Plant Operations
(704) 406-4330

Student Accounts
(704) 406-4287

Technology Services
(704) 406-4647

Contact Information

Administration and Finance
Phone: (704) 406-4282
[email protected]