Your organization’s treasurer should manage your club account in conjunction with your organization advisor. Your advisor must approve all spending before spending takes place and can submit requests for reimbursement or payment to be made from the organization’s account. It is the responsibility of the organization’s faculty advisor to ensure that sufficient funds are available for purchases. All funds must be deposited into an organization account. Organizations are not allowed to hold petty cash.
Clubs are encouraged to plan events that further their club’s mission. These events could include off-campus trips to develop club-related skills or learn more about the field of interest their club relates to. Examples of these trips could be museums, shows/productions, seminars/presentations, etc. Club funds can be used to support tickets/admission to these types of events so long as it directly relates to the club’s mission and the trip has been approved as part of the club funding packet through the reregistration process the year prior. ICC allotted funds can be used for up to $15 (not to exceed 50%) of the ticket price.
A contract is a formal, legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of a specific transaction or relationship. Clubs will need to use contracts when collaborating with outside vendors for services such as musicians, speakers, or other entertainment. These contracts ensure both parties understand their obligations, including payment terms, deadlines, and deliverables.
Club leaders may work with vendors, but they cannot personally sign contracts or invoices. Instead, contracts must be reviewed and signed by the club’s faculty advisor and the Assistant Director of Student Engagement. This ensures that the contract complies with university policies and that the proper financial and legal processes are followed.
To check out our university Walmart card for campus club/organization purchases, a Walmart Card Checkout Request form must be completed, signed by your advisor, and returned to the ADSE at least 24 hours before the card is checked out. This form can be found in the “View Forms” link at the end of this Handbook, in the “Documents Tab” of the Inter-Club Council Involve Profile, or the Office of Student Engagement. The Walmart card must be returned within 24 hours of checkout with original receipts to the ADSE.
The Office of Student Engagement has an Amazon Prime account. If your organization would like to purchase something online, please first discuss the purchase with your organization’s advisor. Club leadership will need to complete the Amazon Request Form found in the “View Forms” link at the end of this Handbook, in the “Documents Tab” of the Inter-Club Council Involve Profile, or the Office of Student Engagement. Club leadership will then need to submit the Amazon Request Form along with the links to the items and any additional instructions for purchasing such as quantity, color, size, etc. The item(s) will be shipped to the ADSE and the ADSE will notify club leadership once the item(s) have arrived.
The Office of Student Engagement has a credit card that can be used to purchase items outside of Walmart or Amazon. However, unlike the Walmart Card this card is not allowed to leave the Office of Student Engagement. Because of this, purchases with this card are limited to online vendors and must be made by the ADSE. If your organization would like to purchase something online, please first discuss the purchase with your organization’s advisor. Then either email or meet with the ASDE to purchase the items. The ADSE will need proof of permission from the organization’s advisor prior to purchasing. The item(s) will be shipped to the ADSE and the ADSE will notify club leadership once the item(s) have arrived.
When purchasing something through an invoice, such as T-Shirts or other branded items, first confirm approval of the purchase with the advisor. Then work with the Office of Creative Services on your design prior to placing the order. Complete the process by submitting the order with a university-approved licensed vendor. When the vendor sends your organization the invoice, have your advisor sign it and list the account number. Then send the invoice to the ADSE for their signature. The ADSE will send the invoice sent to Account Payable for payment.
Note: For all branded items such as T-Shirts or jerseys, teams must follow the guidelines outlined in the section of this Handbook titled “Branding Usage”.
If what your organization needs cannot be purchased through Walmart, Amazon, Online/Purchasing Card, or Invoice, reimbursement is the final option. Club Advisors or leadership can purchase what is needed with their personal funds and complete the Payment Request form, located in the Office of Student Engagement, to be reimbursed through the club’s account. The Payment Request form can be found in the “View Forms” link at the end of this Handbook, in the “Documents Tab” of the Inter-Club Council Involve Profile, or the Office of Student Engagement. This process typically takes about 1 week after submission.
Note: Advisor permission is still required prior to making purchases. If what is purchased is not advisor approved, the club does not have sufficient funds, or does not follow the guidelines listed in MANAGING ORGANIZATION SPENDING ACCOUNTS section of this handbook, the person who purchased the item(s) will be responsible and will not be reimbursed.