Clubs are encouraged to travel on behalf of the college for club purposes, as their budget allows. Students are expected to behave in a manner befitting of a GWU student and represent the University favorably. Students are still held responsible to the Student Code of Conduct located in the Student Handbook while traveling.
All clubs travel must be approved in advance by the ADSE. To gain approval for a trip the Travel Form must be submitted in Involve two weeks prior to the departure date. This lead time will give officers, Student Engagement staff, and Fleet Manager enough time to make all necessary travel arrangements.
Only official club members and advisors who have a signed Adult and Parental Consent and Release form with Student Engagement will be approved to travel. No guests, friends, family members, or other students not on the official roster will be allowed to travel with the club. All travelers must be listed on the Travel Form roster.
If your club event requires transportation, your club must take a university vehicle. Only qualified drivers may drive a University vehicle. If your trip requires more than one vehicle or your advisor is not attending, students will need to apply to become qualified drivers. The following list of requirements must be met by each driver to be eligible to operate a University vehicle or a vehicle rented by the University:
Failure to meet these requirements, or serious violations discovered on an individual’s MVR, will result in denial of GWU driving certification. Serious violations include reckless operation citations and/or DWI/DUI charges. Each approved driver of University vehicles must notify the University Police or the Business Services Support Specialist of any moving vehicle violation citations. Failure to report violations may result in the loss of driving privileges for University vehicles.
Once the above steps are completed, the student will be certified to drive university vehicles for the current school year only. This is, at minimum, a two-day process. Do not wait until the last minute to reserve a vehicle.
Your organization will be charged .20 cents/mile for all cars and .38 cents/mile for all vans. Rental charges for vehicles other than vans or cars will be charged at the actual cost of rental. These rates are subject to change as necessary due to the cost of operation.
In addition to the Vehicle Usage Policy qualified drivers agree to, the following travel rules and regulations are designed to promote the safety of all club members while traveling to and from club events. On an approved club trip, all travelers must abide by them. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in penalties for the entire club, up to and including suspension of all club activities or expulsion of the club.
University-sponsored student groups on all overnight trips, and/or any trip that exceeds a 100-mile radius from campus, will require University approved, nonstudent, adult supervision on site. Most often, this is the club’s advisor.
For all overnight trips where a hotel is needed, the university-approved, nonstudent, adult supervisor must have a separate room from all students. Organizations should maximize room occupancy with four students in a room whenever possible.
University vehicle requests are made through the Office of Business Services. A driver must have completed the Driving Certification Application and been approved to drive a University vehicle before a reservation can be completed.
Due to the limited number of automobiles available, it is essential that we manage the scheduling, use, and return of these vehicles efficiently. Sufficient lead time to schedule the use of an automobile is required. The following guidelines will aid in this process.
In all auto accidents, it is important to remain as calm as possible. Communication is key, communicate as calm and clear as you can with 911 operators, police agents, all involved parties, Student Development Staff, and Business Services Support Specialist.
Note: Accidents may affect driving privileges for a period of time.
The procedures listed below apply to those operating a University vehicle, including rented and leased vehicles, when they are involved in an accident.
The Business Services Support Specialist will handle any necessary legal and/or casualty insurance coverage matters pertaining to an accident involving a University vehicle.
As soon as possible following an accident, a written internal report must be prepared by the driver of the University vehicle. The report should provide as much specific information as possible about the accident including cause, reference to possible injuries to anyone involved in the accident, damage to vehicles or property, and the name of the investigation officer and the agency they represent. This report should be filed with the Business Services Support Specialist.
The University driver involved in an accident is personally and primarily responsible for preparing and filing any external accident reports required by state or municipal governmental agencies. A copy of all external accident reports must be filed with the Business Services Support Specialist.
Employees involved in accidents shall cooperate with University insurance companies. Employees shall decline requests for recorded interviews or accident reports from other insurance companies without prior permission from the Business Services Support Specialist.
Additionally, clubs that are involved in any auto accident, no matter how small, are required to complete the “Incident Report” and submit it to the ADSE within 48 hours of the accident. The Incident Report form can be found in the “View Forms” link at the end of this Handbook, in the “Documents Tab” of the Inter-Club Council Involve Profile, or the Office of Student Engagement.
When a vehicle breakdown occurs, the driver should attempt to get the vehicle out of traffic and into the safest location possible. The nature of the breakdown should be ascertained, if possible, to see if repairs can be made or arranged by the driver. For example, a dead battery or flat tire should be able to be repaired by the driver or service shop near the location of the breakdown. For more serious breakdowns, contact the Business Services Support Specialist at 704-406-4299 for repair arrangements and rental vehicle information as required.