Academic Year 2024–2025

Academic Appeals Policy

Success Coaches will assist online students in Academic Appeals if requested. For guidelines regarding Academic Appeals, refer to the current Academic Catalog here.

Privacy Policy and Access to Academic Records

Gardner-Webb University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). This Act is designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the FERPA office concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act.

Institutional policy explains in detail the procedures to be used by the institution for compliance with the provisions of the Act. Copies of the policy can be found in Registrar Services. That office also maintains a Directory of Records, which lists all student educational records maintained by the institution. Information known as Directory Information will be published unless the student specifically requests that Registrar Services withhold this information. Directory Information is defined as the following: student name, local and permanent addresses, telephone numbers, date of birth, major(s), dates of attendance, previous educational institutions attended, and degree and awards received. Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be referred to Registrar Services.  Full policy and procedure may be found on the Gardner-Webb University’s website here.

  • To remain in good academic standing, students must maintain the following minimum GPAs:
    • Juniors with 60 to 89 hours…………………..1.9
    • Seniors with 90 hours and above ………………….2.0
  • A student placed on academic probation remains on probation for the entire semester.
  • While on academic probation, if the student’s semester Gardner-Webb GPA falls below the minimum requirement, the student will be suspended for one semester.
  • Should a second or third academic suspension occur (even if the first or second suspension is waived on appeal), the student must remain out for at least two semesters.
  • After a suspension, the student can reapply to the online program.

Administrators, alumni, faculty, guests, staff, and students must adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and University regulations related to the sale and use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. Any person found in possession of felony drugs, or manufacturing or selling of alcoholic beverages or drugs on the university campus or at University-sponsored events will be referred to University Police for prosecution. Any student or employee convicted of violation of state and local law may be subject to suspension from the University.

Gardner-Webb University supports and is fully committed to the concept of a drug and alcohol-free campus community. In order to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Gardner-Webb publishes the following and makes it available to each student and to all employees.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • Narcotics (heroin, morphine, etc.)
  • Cannabis (marijuana, hashish, etc.)
  • Synthetic Cannabinoids (Synthetic Marijuana)
  • Stimulants (cocaine, diet pills, etc.)
  • Depressants (tranquilizers, etc.)
  • Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, designer drugs, etc.)
  • Designer (MDA, MDA-known as ecstasy, ice, etc.)

Alcohol is prohibited by students, employees, and guests on Gardner-Webb University’s property or as any part of the University’s activities. As a condition of enrollment, Gardner-Webb University students will abide by these terms.

Gardner-Webb will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees who violate the terms of paragraph one. Upon conviction, the appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the University and/or satisfactory participation in a drug and alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purpose by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency will be taken. More specific penalties are outlined in the Gardner-Webb University Undergraduate Handbook.

  • University policy requires 75% attendance.
  • Professors may set more stringent policy in the course syllabus.
  • Attendance in online courses is determined by weekly participation.
  • Failure to meet attendance requirements results in an administrative F (@F) grade.

Persons infected with a communicable disease will not be excluded from initial enrollment or employment or restricted in their access to University facilities or services unless a medically-based judgment by the primary care physician in consultation with the University’s Health Policies Consultant establishes that exclusion or restriction is necessary to the welfare of the infected individual or the welfare of other members of the University community. Additionally, persons who know, or have reasonable basis for believing, that they are infected by a communicable disease are encouraged to share that information, on a confidential basis, with the physician, so that the University may make reasonable accommodations that will respond to their health and educational needs.

Persons who know, or have reasonable basis for believing, they are infected with a communicable disease are encouraged to seek expert advice about their health circumstances and are obligated, ethically and legally, to conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge for the protection of other members of the University community.

  • Failure to take a final exam or submit a final assessment when it is due will result in a failing grade unless excused by course professor.
  • If excused, the grade will be recorded as Incomplete.
  • Incompletes can also be assigned through communication with the professor if only a small amount of work is outstanding.
  • An incomplete that has not been replaced by a grade within 90 days automatically converts to F.

Gardner Webb University celebrates and facilitates a campus environment for students and student organizations that is conducive to the free and orderly exchange of ideas and the freedom of inquiry. These principles, exercised in a responsible manner, are indispensable to the student experience. We value and honor diverse perspectives and believe it essential that students have the opportunity to engage in peaceful and orderly gatherings to express their views on the issues of the day. This policy is structured to facilitate those educational pursuits; to preserve order within the university campus; to protect and preserve university property; and to provide an environment for students to express their views while at the same time providing other students with the opportunity to express differing views. Full policy and procedure may be found on the Gardner-Webb University’s website here.

An extreme weather event may prevent access to an online class. Students who are unable to access the online course due to the weather event, should contact the professor concerning submission of any assignments or coursework. Professors are encouraged to work with students effected by the weather event to modify expectations of submission of assignments. Consult the University website at for up-to-date information concerning inclement weather and other emergencies. Any time you have related questions, contact the Dean of Adult and Distance Education.

I. Purpose
The purpose of the Intellectual Property Policy (“policy”) of Gardner-Webb University (“the University”) is to foster an environment that encourages the generation of new knowledge by faculty, staff, and students; to help facilitate transfer of useful inventions and writings to society; and to motivate the development and dissemination of intellectual property.

The policy is based upon the following principles relating to faculty, staff and students to the University:

  1. Intellectual property is created by individuals, or by groups of individuals, who are entitled to choose the course of disclosure.
  2. There exists a historical tradition allowing authors to retain ownership of intellectual property rights from textbooks and works of art.
  3. The University is the support of the whole campus community, and is thereby entitled to share in financial rewards.

II. Definitions
As used in this policy, the following definitions will apply:

  1. Intellectual Property includes any patentable invention, any copyrightable subject matter, or trade secret. It also includes works of art, and inventions or creations that might normally be developed on a proprietary basis.
  2. University means Gardner-Webb University.
  3. Student means any full-time or part-time graduate or undergraduate student, regardless of whether the student receives financial aid from the University or from outside sources. It is the responsibility of students who are also employees of other outside entities to resolve any conflicts between this policy and provisions of agreements with their employers prior to beginning any undertaking at the University that will involve the development of intellectual property.
  4. Faculty means members of the University’s faculty as defined in the Faculty Handbook, plus instructors, special faculty appointments, and part-time faculty.
  5. Staff means any employee of the University other than students and faculty as defined above. If a student is also a part-time University employee, the student is considered as staff with regard to intellectual property developed as a result of his employment, and as a student with regard to other intellectual property. A full-time non-faculty employee who is also taking one or more courses is considered to be staff. Visitors to the University who make substantial use of University resources are considered as staff with respect to any intellectual property arising from such use.
  6. Creator means any person or persons who create an item of intellectual property.
  7. Net proceeds to the University mean all proceeds received by the University on intellectual property that it assigns, sells or licenses, minus any application, litigation, interference, or marketing costs directly attributable to the intellectual property being licensed.
  8. Net proceeds to the creator mean all proceeds received by the creator from intellectual property owned by the creator that the creator sells, assigns or licenses, less the costs of application, legal protection, or litigation, interference, travel and other marketing costs directly attributable to the intellectual property being exploited. Such net proceeds do not include compensation legitimately received by the creator for consulting services or interest or other return on invested labor or capital.
  9. Substantial use of University facilities means extensive un-reimbursed use of major University laboratory, studio or computational facilities, or human resources. The use of these facilities must be important to the creation of the intellectual property; merely incidental use of a facility does not constitute substantial use, nor does extensive use of a facility commonly available to all faculty or professional staff (such as libraries and offices), nor does extensive use of a specialized facility for routine tasks. Use will be considered “extensive” and facilities will be considered “major” if similar use of similar facilities would cost the creator more than $1,000.00 if purchased or leased in the public market. Creators wishing to directly reimburse the University for the use of its facilities must make arrangements to do so before the level of facilities usage for a particular intellectual property becomes substantial. (This provision is not intended to override any other department or University policy concerning reimbursement for facilities usage.)
  10. Online Courses. An online course refers to an academic course or a portion of an academic course that is delivered through electronic means, typically through a learning management system like Blackboard. In the context of intellectual property, the online course refers to all aspects of the course produced by the creator, as distinct from those portions of the course that are provided by the learning management system or are part of the electronic delivery of the course, which typically are made available to the institution and the creator through licensing. Components of the online course produced by the creator may include, but are not limited to, lectures, videos, graphics, bibliographies (or webliographies), learning outcomes and course outlines.

III. Ownership Provisions and Procedures
In order of precedence, and unless otherwise provided by law, ownership of intellectual property shall be as follows:

  • Externally Sponsored Work.
    1. Intellectual property created as a result of work conducted under an agreement between an external sponsor and the University that specifies the ownership of such intellectual property shall be owned as specified in said agreement.
    2. The Provost of the University will inform each person whose intellectual property rights are limited by an externally sponsored contract of the intellectual property provisions of that contract in advance of the beginning of the work.
  • Internally Sponsored Work
    1. When the University provides funds or facilities for a particular project to the extent of substantial use, it may also choose to designate itself as sponsor of that work, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 4.F. The University may declare itself the owner of intellectual property resulting from the work. In such cases the University must specify in advance the disposition of any intellectual property rights arising from the project.
    2. The Provost of the University will inform each person whose intellectual property rights are limited by internally sponsored work of the intellectual property ownership rights specified by the University as to that work in advance of the beginning of the work.
  • Individual Agreements
    1. Provisions: Intellectual property which is the subject of a specific agreement between the University and the creator(s) thereof shall be owned as provided in said agreement. Such agreements by the University and the faculty are encouraged.
    2. Except where limited by external sponsorship agreements, creators and the University may negotiate individual agreements to govern ownership of intellectual property regardless of the applicability of any other provision of this policy.
  • Intellectual Property Created Within Scope of Employment
    1. Intellectual property created by University employees who were employed specifically to produce a particular intellectual property shall be owned by the University if said intellectual property was created within the normal scope of their employment.

IV. Other Ownership Provisions Where no other provisions of this policy apply, ownership of intellectual property created at the University shall be determined as follows:

  • The creator retains all rights to the following types of intellectual property, without limitation: books (including textbooks), educational courseware and software, articles, non-fiction, novels, poems, musical works, dramatic works including any accompanying music, pantomimes and choreographic works, pictorial, graphic and sculptural works, motion pictures and other similar audio-visual works, and sound recordings, regardless of the level of use of University facilities. This provision does not include computer software (other than educational courseware) or databases.
  • Computer software, other than educational software, and databases are characterized by their capacity to perform tasks. Because of their utilitarian nature, ownership rights with respect thereto are governed by Paragraphs 4.D and 4.E below.
  • The creator owns all intellectual property created without substantial use of University facilities, including intellectual property rights in computer software and databases.
  • The creator owns all intellectual property contained within an online course produced by the creator, consistent with paragraph A-C above. The University retains shared ownership of course titles, course descriptions, course outlines, and learning outcomes and may reuse, revise or assign these objects without acquiring the permission of the creator.
  • The creator originally owns intellectual property created with substantial use of University facilities or with University funding, but no external or internal sponsorship, and retains said ownership of said property subject to the following:
    1. The University shall receive 25% of the net proceeds to the creator above $1,000.00; and
    2. The University shall receive a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty free license for non-commercial use of said intellectual property. In the case of software, this license includes access by specified University personnel to the source listings, and the University shall require each person to whom a disclosure is made to execute in advance a binding confidentiality agreement in favor of and enforceable by the creator. If the intellectual property is created solely by a student or students, the creator is exempt from the obligation to pay to the University a fraction of his net proceeds, but not from the provision of this paragraph for a non-exclusive license to the University.
    3. If the creator develops an intellectual property that is covered by this provision, the creator must make full and fair disclosure to the University of all such sources of compensation relating to that intellectual property.
  • The University originally owns intellectual property created with substantial use of University facilities and directly arising from work sponsored under an agreement between an external sponsor and the University, or from work for which the University has declared itself a sponsor, but for which neither the external sponsor nor the University have specified the ownership of resulting intellectual property, in which case the creator shall receive 50% of the net proceeds to the University.
  • No faculty or staff of the University shall take from a student personal assignment of intellectual property created by a student. The intellectual property rights of students are governed by this policy, and it is the duty of University faculty and staff to see that the intellectual property rights of students are protected in accordance with this policy.

V. General Provisions

  1. Document deemed necessary to perfect legal rights in the University and enable the University to file patent applications and applications for copyright registration when appropriate. This disclosure to the provost should be made at the time when legal protection for the creation is contemplated, and it must be made before the intellectual property is sold, used for profit, or disclosed to the public. Whenever legal protection for intellectual property is anticipated, all persons engaged in such creative activity are encouraged to keep regular records.
  2. The University’s share of any proceeds under this policy will be used to reimburse the University for its expenses for commercial development of intellectual property. Any additional return to the University will be used to further the academic purposes of all the disciplines of the entire University.

VI. Resolution of Disputes

  • This policy constitutes an understanding which is binding on the University and on the faculty, staff, and students as a condition for participating in research programs at the University or for the use of University funds or facilities.
  • Any question of interpretation or claim arising out of or relating to this policy, or dispute as to ownership rights of intellectual property under this policy, will be settled by the following procedure:
    1. The issue must first be submitted to the Institutional Review Board in the form of a letter setting forth the grievance or issue to be resolved. The Institutional Review Board will review the matter and then advise the parties of its decision within 60 days of submission of the letter.
    2. If any of the parties to the dispute are not satisfied with the committee’s decision, the party may seek binding arbitration in Charlotte, North Carolina, and in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator(s) will give some weight to the decision of the Institutional Review Board in reaching a decision. The losing party of the arbitration hearing will pay for all costs of the arbitration unless the arbitrator(s) specifies otherwise.

Any registered student who experiences medical trauma or a chronic illness that may prevent completion of the semester may apply for a medical withdrawal from the University. A medical withdrawal is a complete withdrawal from the University (i.e., not from a particular course). A request for a medical withdrawal must be submitted prior to the beginning of final exams for the semester in which the medical withdrawal is desired. A medical withdrawal request is initiated through the submission of the online Withdrawal Form located in WebbConnect prior to the beginning of final exams in the same manner as a general withdrawal from the University.  For more information on medical withdrawal refer to the Medical Withdrawal Policy section of the GWU Online Undergraduate Degree Completion Program Catalog.

Standards for acceptable academic progress at Gardner-Webb University are set to assist students in assessing the quality of their performance. Academic probation and suspension are used to alert students to potentially serious academic difficulty in their progress toward degrees. Students are placed on academic probation as a warning that their level of academic achievement is falling below the level expected of students in their class. Should their academic achievement not improve, they are in danger of being suspended from the University.  For more information on probation, suspension, and dismissal, refer to the Academic Standing and Retention Standards section of the GWU Online Undergraduate Degree Completion Program Catalog.

Gardner-Webb University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning, living, and working environment in which no member of the Gardner-Webb community is, on the basis of sex, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any University program or activity. Sexual Misconduct that denies or limits a University community member’s ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s programs or activities is prohibited under federal law (referred to as “Title IX”) and this Policy. Under this Policy, the term “Sexual Misconduct” includes Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Non-Consensual Sexual Contact, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Stalking.

The person designated to oversee policies, procedures, and complaints related to possible discrimination on the basis of sex (including sexual harassment and sexual misconduct) is referred to throughout this document as the Title IX Coordinator. The Interim Title IX Coordinator for Gardner-Webb University is:

Lesley Villarose, MEd
Vice-President for Student Development and Dean of Students
Interim Title IX Coordinator and ADA Coordinator
Gardner-Webb University
PO Box 7271
Boiling Springs, NC 28017
(704) 402-2081
[email protected]

All students and employees of the University are subject to the Institution’s Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Policy.

A complete listing of resources, policies, definitions and procedures on how to file both formal and informal complaints, may be found on the Gardner-Webb University’s website here.

Any student who believes he/she has been discriminated against by a member of the faculty, an employee of the University, or by a fellow student is encouraged to file a complaint. If a student believes he/she has been discriminated against in accordance with policies and practices listed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, or section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, he or she may make a claim that his or her rights have been denied. Claims or grievances should be filed with the appropriate University official.

A complete listing of resources, policies, definitions and procedures on how to file both formal and informal complaints, may be found on the Gardner-Webb University’s website here.

The purpose of this policy is to describe the appropriate use and security of University Technological assets, associated responsibilities, and rights of all Users employing these resources. All Users of University Technology assets are expected to be familiar with each policy contained here within and the consequences of violation as listed below. This policy supersedes all previous Gardner-Webb University Computer Usage Policies.

Violation of these contained policies may result in the immediate suspension of computer account and network access pending investigation resolution. Depending on frequency and/or severity, the offender may lose all computer account and network access in addition to facing the appropriate University judicial review. The penalties may include suspension or dismissal from the University and/or criminal prosecution where warranted. Details of the policy may be found on the Gardner-Webb University’s website here.

More policy details can be found in the GWU Online section of the Academic Catalog.