Clery Act and Title IX Considerations
The University has specific policies and procedures, for Clery Act crimes and Title IX sexual harassment violations, designed to ensure that criminal incidents and misconduct on Gardner-Webb property, as a part of a Gardner-Webb event/program, or involving Gardner-Webb students or personnel are reported to University Police, the Title IX Coordinator, and other responsible personnel. The University also has policies and procedures in place to assure that appropriate supportive measures and assistance are provided to members of the Gardner-Webb community who experience or are affected by such events.
The University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy requires the University to respond to reports of behavior that violates or falls under Title IX of the Education Amendments of the 1972 (Title IX); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII); the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). In August 2020, the University updated its policy regarding sexual harassment to reflect its commitment to:
Any member of the University community (employee, volunteer, or student) who violates the sexual harassment or discrimination policy may face disciplinary action up to and including termination or permanent dismissal from the University. The University will take prompt and equitable action to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent it from recurring, and remedy its effects. Awareness and training programs are provided to facilitate these outcomes. Prohibited conduct under the sexual harassment policy is prohibited regardless of the sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity/expression of the persons involved.
All members of the University community are strongly urged to report prohibited behaviors so that they can be reviewed, investigated, and addressed appropriately for the well-being of the community members. The full policy and further information are available for review on the Gardner-Webb University website. Students have access to confidential reporting sources (Christina Life and Campus Counselor) as well as an anonymous reporting form on the Title IX website and through the LiveSafe app. The University has an obligation to investigate and take action to investigate and remediate such events as part of the efforts to fulfill its Title IX requirements to provide a non-discriminatory environment. Supportive measures for the protection of persons who have been the target of or accused of such conduct include mutual no-contact orders, safety planning with the Chief of University Police, academic accommodations (including changes to course schedules, free withdrawal and retake of courses, extensions, etc.), changes to housing and/or work arrangements, access to counseling and/or medical care, and other campus-based measures. Supportive measures continue as long as needed to assure the safety of community members.