The GWU Staff Council

Staff Council Purpose

The purpose of the Staff Council is to represent all employees at Gardner-Webb University below the rank of Vice President who do not have faculty contract.  The Staff Council’s mission is to serve the interests and needs of the Gardner-Webb University staff pertaining to their daily activities and work conditions as they strive to support the University’s goal of providing quality higher education. Toward this effort, the Staff Council promotes understanding and cooperation by facilitating communication among campus constituencies, and by serving as an advocate to the administration for staff issues which affect them. In our efforts to enhance the quality of the Gardner-Webb University work environment, the Staff Council provides leadership and support to work together with all members of the University to enrich community spirit.

Staff Council Officers

Executive Officers:


Candice Thomas
Administrative and Special Events Coordinator
[email protected]
(704) 406-4250
Stephanie Stearns
Executive Assistant to the President
[email protected]
(704) 406-4236

Treasurer and Secretary

Stacy Simmons
Associate Minister to the University for Pastoral Care
[email protected]
(704) 406-2176
Lindsay Lehn
Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Education
[email protected]
(704) 406-4303

Staff Council Representatives

January 2024 – January 2026

Megan Peek
University Counselor for the Counseling Center
(704) 406-4103
[email protected]
Nathan Gardner
Event Service Tech
(704) 406-3937
[email protected]
Wendy Burnham
Administrative Assistant for Operations
(704) 406-2390
[email protected]
Ben Flournoy
Coordinator for the Learning Resource Center
(704) 406-2254
[email protected]
Jalin Montgomery
Assistant Director of Admissions for Digital Learning
(704) 406-4490
[email protected]
Wilson Brooks
Associate Vice President of Marketing
(704) 406-2239
[email protected]

January 2025 – January 2027

Drew Powell
Business Services Manager
[email protected]
(704) 406-2391
Linda Lee
Administrative Assistant, Music and Social Sciences
[email protected]
(704) 406-4448
Kara Alves
Director of Success Initiatives and First Year Experiences
[email protected]
(704) 406-2297
Jim Chester
Head Coach, Baseball
[email protected]
Chris Harris
Interim Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach
[email protected]
(704) 406-4350
Amy Lawson
Student Engagement Specialist
[email protected]
(704) 406-4624