Individual graduate programs provide program-specific orientations for their new students at each enrollment cycle. Depending on the program’s primary mode of delivery, these orientations are conducted in the various locations in which courses are offered and/or virtually. Information supporting all graduate students can be found by logging into Blackboard and clicking on Graduate Studies link in Institution Resources on the Institution Page.  In addition, a general New Graduate Student Orientation Webinar to which all new students are invited is hosted by the Graduate Studies Office before the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. A recording of the most recent webinar is sent to students through email and is located in the Orientation module of the Graduate Studies Blackboard area.

Each new student receives an acceptance letter that provides the name and email address of the director/coordinator of the program the student is entering. Students will also receive an email upon registration with additional information and instructions about navigating the graduate school experience at Gardner-Webb.

Current students will find links to useful resources on the Gardner-Webb site by clicking the search icon or scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting “a current student” in the “I am” menu.

Academic Calendar

The university academic calendar contains important dates related to convocation, term beginning and end, university holidays, and registration deadlines. It can be accessed by clicking Academic Calendar & Events from the university home page. A more detailed calendar can be found in the academic catalog.

Academic Services

Many of the academic services described in this section can also be found in Blackboard. Click the “Assist” link on the left-hand navigation after logging into Blackboard.

For additional academic information, refer to the Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog’s graduate student section. The catalog includes information regarding: program time limits; course registration; changing, adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses; removal from class; medical withdrawal; military deployment; academic load; auditing courses; credit by exam; attendance policy; exams and assessments; grades; academic standing; academic probation, suspension, and dismissal; and repeating passed courses.

Academic advising and registration

Graduate Student Advising is provided by a faculty advisor in the student’s field of study (usually the program director/coordinator) who is assigned to each student upon acceptance into the program. Deans/Chairs of Schools/Departments function as secondary advisors to every student, and additional assistance is provided on an as-needed basis by the Graduate Studies Office staff members (see specific contact information linked in the right-hand navigation).

First-semester students are registered by the Graduate Studies Office, Graduate Admissions, or the academic program office, depending on the program. Each semester, students who are responsible for their own registration for courses (in contrast to students who are enrolled automatically in the next course in sequence) receive an email from their department with advising and registration information for the next semester, including their advisor’s contact information and times available for advising. Faculty advisors are available in person, by email, phone, or virtually. During pre-registration, students should consult with their academic advisors on course selection and other degree requirements.

Academic appeals

Appeals with regards to academic matters fall into three main categories: appeals related to a specific course; appeals related to applications of written policy; and appeals related to charges of academic dishonesty. Detailed procedures for each type of appeal as well as provisions applicable to all appeals can be found in the Academic Catalog. An appeal cannot be made against the academic judgement of an instructor with regards to a grade for a specific assignment or activity within a course.

As stated in the Academic Catalog, if a student is dissatisfied with a particular assignment/activity grade awarded to them, they are advised that the correct route is to follow up within their School/Department/Program and inquire whether any feedback/further clarification can be provided on the basis for the specific grade on that assignment/activity. Since this is a matter of academic judgement, however, please note that a student should not have any expectation that a specific assignment/activity grade will be changed.

Grounds for Academic appeals

Students must be clear about the reasons why they believe an academic related decision is incorrect before lodging an appeal. An appeal can only be considered on one or more of the three following grounds:

  • Circumstances existed affecting the student’s performance of which the body in question was not aware when its decision was made, and which could not reasonably have been presented at the time;
  • A procedural error/irregularity or other inadequacy on the part of the University of such a nature as to cause doubt as to whether the result would have been different had there not been such an irregularity;
  • Evidence of prejudice or bias on the part of the instructor or body making the decision.

These are explained in more detail below. Forms for each type of appeal can be found in the Graduate Forms area of WebbConnect.

Circumstances existed affecting the student’s performance of which the body in question was not aware when its decision was made, and which could not reasonably have been presented at the time.

The University recognizes that sometimes situations will arise that prevent you from submitting a piece of work on time, or that affect the standard of work you are able to submit. Students intending to lodge an appeal on this ground should note that, for an appeal to succeed, you will need to offer an explanation and/or evidence in relation to all three elements:

Circumstances affecting the student’s performance
Evidence of the circumstances should be submitted, with a clear explanation of the period of time and particular items of the assessed work that were affected.

…of which the body in question was not aware at the time the decision was taken.
An appeal will not have strong grounds where the body in question was already aware of the circumstances described and made its decision in the knowledge of these circumstances.

…which could not reasonable have been presented to the body in question.
It will also be necessary to explain why the circumstances could not have been presented to the body in question at the time it made its decision.

There was a procedural error/irregularity or other inadequacy on the part of the University.
An appeal may be considered where the student believes that a decision is incorrect because the University has made an error. It is not enough to show that an error has taken place; it will also be necessary for you to show that the error resulted in an incorrect decision being made. If the error is clearly demonstrable, and/or it is accepted on the part of the school, program, or department that a student has been disadvantaged as a result of an error, it can often be corrected without going through the formal appeals process, so students are advised to seek advice from the school, program, or department first.

There exists evidence of prejudice or bias on the part of the instructor or body making the decision.
An appeal brought on these grounds should clearly identify the particular individual/s considered to have shown prejudice or bias against you and should be supported by evidence.

Specific Course Appeals

If a student determines they have grounds for a specific course appeal, they must first discuss the matter with the instructor. The student must initiate this discussion no later than seven business days after the final grade is officially posted by the university. Within seven business days of receiving a decision from the instructor, the student may begin the formal appeal process by completing the Specific Course Appeal – Graduate form and submitting it to their instructor. This form can be found in the Graduate folder in WebbConnect. The full process for this type of appeal can be found in the Academic Grievance and Appeals section in the Gayle Bolt Price School of Graduate Studies area of the Academic Catalog.

Applications of Written Policy Appeals

Students also have the right to appeal adverse outcomes resulting from the application of written academic policies. The student must complete the Application of Written Academic Policy Appeal – Graduate form found in WebbConnect and submit it to the Coordinator/Director of their program of study no later than seven business days after the student receives notice of the adverse outcome. The full process for this type of appeal can be found in the Academic Grievance and Appeals section in the Gayle Bolt Price School of Graduate Studies area of the Academic Catalog.

Academic Honesty Appeals

Students who plead “not responsible” have the right to appeal an allegation of academic dishonesty and any recommended penalty. The full process for this type of appeal is described in the Academic Honesty section in the Gayle Bolt Price School of Graduate Studies area of the Academic Catalog. The student must initiate an academic dishonesty appeal no later than seven business days after the date of the decision being appealed.


Each semester the Gardner-Webb University Student Accounts Office will provide an online bill for each student detailing charges (tuition, fees, etc.) and anticipated credits (grants, scholarships, loans, etc.). For registered students, the Student Bill generally becomes available for review about three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. Later registrants may expect to see their Student Bill within a matter of minutes after registering. After reviewing the bill, questions regarding charges should be directed to the Student Accounts Office at (704) 406-4287. Questions regarding financial aid should be directed to the Financial Planning Office (704) 406-4243.

Please note: The deadline for making payment in full or enrolling in the Deferred Payment Plan is the last day of the month in which the classes begin. The exact due date will be provided on the Student Bill each semester.

Campus Shop/Books

The Gardner-Webb University Campus Shop, operated by Barnes & Noble College, offers digital courseware, textbooks, faculty adoption tools, open educational resources (OER), and GWU-licensed products for alumni, students, family and friends of the University. Purchases can be made online and on the ground floor of Tucker Student Center.

The Bulldog Bundle Program provides all books needed by students for their courses of study. Upon registering for courses, students are enrolled in the program and the campus shop begins preparing their order. Beginning 30 days before the first day of classes, students will receive an email to verify their order and select a fulfillment preference. An email notification will be sent when a student’s order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Digital materials will be delivered for specific course(s) within Blackboard.

Divinity, PA, all doctoral programs (DBA, DNP, EDCI, EDLS, DEOL), MSN, MA English, MA Religion, MA Sport Education, and Master of Public Administration (MPA) students are not included in this program.

All other graduate students will be billed $24 per credit hour for the Bulldog Bundle. The Bulldog Bundle Fee will be included on the Student Online Bill.

If students wish to opt out of the Bulldog Bundle, they may visit the portal. The opt out period begins 10 days prior to the start of classes through the end of the Drop/Add period.

The Bulldog Bundle Program is a textbook rental program. At the end of the semester, students will receive information on how to return their books or purchase them for a reduced rate if desired.

If students have problems with or questions about purchasing books, they should contact the Campus Shop at (704) 406-4273 or [email protected].

Class rings and graduation announcements are available online at All dates, times, and places that Jostens will be on campus will be posted on the Campus Shop homepage. Class ring brochures are available upon request at the Campus Shop at (704) 406-4273.


Email to students’ Gardner-Webb University email address is the official means of communication from the University. All students should check their Gardner-Webb email regularly or set it to migrate to their most frequently monitored email Inbox. If assistance is needed, Technology Services may be reached at (704) 406-4647.


Dover Library provides students with a robust research collection to meet their academic needs. The majority of the library’s collection can be accessed online through the library’s homepage. This includes over 110 online databases, 115,000 eBooks, and subject specific research guides. Items not held in the GWU collection can be requested through the GWU Interlibrary Loan service.

A team of librarians are available for students needing research assistance. Librarians are available by phone, reference chat, and email.

Location: Dover Library (Main Campus)
Phone: (704) 406-4290
Website: For current business hours, reference support hours, or additional information, visit the GWU Library homepage.

Technology Services

Technology Services is Gardner-Webb University’s central technology resource. Technology Services works collaboratively with students, faculty, staff, and alumni to provide network security, academic and administrative computing support, email services, software licensing and management, and technology training.

If you need Blackboard support: Contact the Blackboard HelpDesk at (855) 406-5336

Report a problem: For general problems not related to Blackboard, submit a Technology Service Desk ticket. Login to WebbConnect and click on the Technology Service link located under the Launch Pad on the left-hand side column. Once a ticket has been entered, it will be reviewed and assigned to the appropriate person. You will receive an email notifying you of the ticket being assigned, progress updates and when the issue has been resolved.

Technical support: Contact Technology Services at (704) 406-4647 or email [email protected].

Hours of availability: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Suttle Hall, Gardner-Webb University main campus.

GWU Students should be able to:

  • Access a reliable Internet connection on a regular basis
  • Install software on their computer/laptop (administrative rights)
  • Regularly check GWU email
  • Attach a file and send it via email
  • Download and open files from email
  • Use common programs such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel
  • Use a word processing program and save documents as .doc, .docx or .rtf
  • Identify common types of file extensions: .doc, .rtf, .txt, .pdf, .xls, .ppt, .html, .jpg, .gif,
  • Copy and paste
  • Back-up files (Ex. external hard drive, USB flashdrive, cloud storage)
  • Access multiple web browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, etc.)
  • Manage browsers (pop-up blockers, updates, settings)

Note: Instructors may require additional course specific skills. Make sure to consult your course syllabus and/or your instructor

The Writing Center

Gardner-Webb’s Writing Center is dedicated to helping all Gardner-Webb University students with writing skills and the writing process. The Writing Center is designed to enhance a student’s own critical thinking, revision, and editing skills. Under the direction of a faculty specialist in writing, trained graduate tutors provide individual conferences at no charge to students. Staff provide several types of consultations including face-to-face, phone, or online chat.

Staff are available to help students at a distance enrolled in online classes. The Writing Center does not correct and return papers sent via email. Instead, staff offer consultations through telephone or Zoom. Students can make an appointment in WebbConnect (under Academic Support) or call (704) 406-4393 during open hours and we will make an appointment for you.

Student Services/Professional Services

Center for Personal and Professional Development

The Center for Personal and Professional Development is dedicated to serving Gardner-Webb students and alumni with an emphasis on two fundamental roles—aiding in career exploration and self-discovery and providing resources to aid in the job search process. All Gardner-Webb students and alumni are eligible for the services including use of FOCUS, a computerized guidance system, résumé writing assistance, and job listing services. The Center also sponsors educational workshops, career planning events, and several career fairs throughout the year.

Christian Community

Gardner-Webb is committed to providing a supportive and diverse Christian community for students as an integral part of its mission.

In Blackboard, click on “Faith@GWU” in the Institution Resources area or on “Christian Community” in the Assist area. You are invited to take advantage of the many resources that are available to connect you to Christian Community here at Gardner-Webb.

Christian Life and Service

The Office of Christian Life and Service is committed to the spiritual growth of the University community. To encourage and challenge the University community in their Christian growth, the Christian Life and Service staff:

  • Offers pastoral care to students, faculty, administration and staff.
  • Serves as advisers to student ministry organizations on campus.
  • Coordinates Dimensions and the planning of worship services held for the University community.
  • Provides vocational counseling and referral service to students interested in church related vocations.
  • Assists students in finding a place of worship as they seek a family of faith with which to affiliate.

The Office of Christian Life and Service provides numerous opportunities for the spiritual development of each student.  Through ministry organizations, students are encouraged and challenged in personal discipleship, corporate worship, and life-changing ministry and mission experiences. Students in need of pastoral care may call (704) 406-4277 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center is staffed by a team of professionals trained in education and counseling who want to assist students in coping with difficulties and help make the most of their opportunities for success.

The University Counseling Center adheres to the code of ethics of the American Counseling Association and operates within a Christian perspective. All services provided are confidential and no information will be given to others without the consent of the individual.

The University Counseling Center provides services to students, faculty, and staff in a concerned, caring, and confidential setting. Services are provided to assist students in defining and accomplishing personal and academic goals. The services include:

  • High quality individual and group counseling to individuals who may be experiencing psychological or behavioral difficulties;
  • Programming focused on the development needs of college students to maximize the potential of students to benefit from the academic environment and experience; and
  • Consultation to the institution to make the environment as beneficial to the intellectual, emotional, and physical development of students as possible. Appointments may be made by contacting the Counseling Center at 704-406-4563. Referrals to local community agencies may be made if needed.

Emergency Contact Information

In case of an emergency, dial 911. On Main Campus, also call the University Police at extension 4444 or (704) 406-4444. University Police and the Off-site Facilities Coordinator in the Graduate Studies Office (704) 406-4465 maintain a list of contacts for off-site facilities in the event that local assistance is needed.

Complaints and Grievances

University policy regarding complaints and grievances can be accessed here.

Complaints and grievances related to academic matters must be made in accordance with policies and procedures stated in the School of Graduate Studies section of the current Gardner-Webb University Academic Catalog.

International Student Office

The Office of International Programs was created to foster and celebrate international and cross-cultural educational experiences in this global environment among students, faculty and staff. As we make the campus a home away from home to our international students, scholars and faculty, we also encourage our local population to explore the world through exchange, faculty-led, or mission trips. Our goal is to internationalize our community. Reach us at (704) 406-4276.

NOEL Center for Disability Resources

The Noel Center for Disability Resources provides accommodations and services to qualifying students with disabilities. Upon acceptance to the University, the student should register for services by filling out the Request for Services form on the Center’s homepage. Professional documentation of the disability and its functional limitations should be sent to the Noel Center for Disability Services no later than three weeks prior to the beginning of services. Once eligibility has been determined, the student is assigned a disability specialist who will collaboratively work with the student to determine the appropriate accommodations and services. This person will work with the student throughout his or her time at Gardner-Webb. Some of the accommodations/services that may be provided if the student has supportive documentation include, but are not limited to note-takers, extended-time testing, materials in alternative format, lab assistants, interpreters, orientation and mobility training, and use of adaptive technology. The student may also receive help in developing effective study skills and organizational and test-taking strategies.

Information on accessibility through the Noel Center for Disability Resources is communicated to students with graduate orientation materials in Blackboard, in course syllabi, and in the Support Services section of all university Blackboard courses.


All vehicles parked on Main Campus during normal business hours must have a current parking registration displayed properly. The permit must be displayed in the lower back left window of the vehicle. Main Campus parking permits are available online through WebbConnect by following the Housing-Meals-Vehicle link to Register a Vehicle.

Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. all students must park in a space marked with white lines. All Faculty and Staff must park in spaces marked with red lines. Monday through Friday between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. drivers may park in any legally marked space regardless of their status. Saturday and Sunday drivers may park in any legally marked space regardless of their status.

Students whose classes meet at an off-site facility must comply with the parking regulations of that site.

Student IDs

The Graduate Studies Office mails a Gardner-Webb student ID to new graduate students after Roll Verification is complete. New students who have not received an ID after six weeks should call (704) 406-4465.

University Police

Contact University Police at (704) 406-4444 from off campus or at extension 4444 on campus.

The University Police Department is a multi-functional service agency dedicated to the protection of the University community through local, state, and federal laws. Crime prevention and campus safety are shared responsibilities that require the cooperation and involvement of students and employees alongside the seven full-time officers who have been certified by the N.C. Attorney General’s Office. Officers patrol the entire campus on foot and in marked/unmarked University Police vehicles. The University Police Department is located in the Poston Center and operates on a 365 day, 24-hour basis. Services on Main Campus include traffic control, a 24-hour emergency number, vehicle entry service for lockouts, vehicle jump-starts, and a safety escort service on campus.

As part of Gardner-Webb’s ongoing safety efforts, Gardner-Webb University students and employees can have direct access to Campus Police and 911 emergency services through LiveSafe’s mobile app. Sharing emergency and non-emergency information will create a safer community and prevent incidents before they occur. Tips submitted via the app are monitored 24/7 by Campus Police. You can also receive messages related to safety preparedness or customized alerts related to your team or geographical location.