Behavioral Interviewing is becoming increasingly popular in job interviews. The style of interviewing asks situation-based or example driven questions to evaluate how past experiences will predict future performance.

Benefits of Behavioral Interviews

For the employer: Employers gain a much better understanding of an applicant when examples are given and often can better envision how the applicant can fit in the position, how they think and what they value.

For the applicant: Interviewees have the opportunity with this style of questioning to demonstrate transferable skills (ie. How experience gained previously relates to the new position) as well as problem solving skills and thinking-on-your-feet

Behavioral Interview Clues

Behavior-based questions often begin with asking for an example. Look for clues like the following:

  • Tell me about a time when…
  • Describe a situation where…
  • How have you handled a similar situation to…
  • How might you handle a situation like…

Responding to Questions

To best answer this style of question, consider using the STAR method.

  • SITUATION that existed: Provide context to your example with “when” and “where”.
  • TASKS that were involved: Explain the obstacles and expectations placed on you.
  • ACTION you took: Describe the specific steps taken and skills utilized.
  • RESULTS that occurred: Articulate the outcome, quantifiable results, achievements, and what you learned from this example.


Review the following questions and develop two examples you could use to answer each question using the STAR method.

Describe a challenge you have faced and what you did to overcome it?

  • S
  • T
  • A
  • R

Describe your approach to completing tasks that need to be accomplished.

  • S
  • T
  • A
  • R