Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy

Gardner-Webb is an alcohol and drug-free campus. This information is provided to all students, faculty and staff to provide a comprehensive overview of the health risks and legal implications related to alcohol and other drug use and to serve as a reference for on- and off-campus resources.

The policies listed below apply to the Gardner-Webb campus and all university-sponsored events at off-campus locations. Administrators, alumni, faculty, guests, staff, and students must adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and University regulations related to the sale and use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. Any person found in possession of felony drugs, or manufacturing or selling of alcoholic beverages or drugs on the university campus or at University-sponsored events will be referred to University Police for prosecution. Any student or employee convicted of violation of state and local law may be subject to suspension from the University.

Gardner-Webb University supports and is fully committed to the concept of a drug and alcohol-free campus community. In order to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Gardner-Webb publishes the following and makes it available to each student and to all employees.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances such as, but not limited to, the following:

  • Narcotics (heroin, morphine, etc.)
  • Cannabis (marijuana, hashish, etc.)
  • Synthetic Cannabinoids (Synthetic Marijuana)
  • Stimulants (cocaine, diet pills, etc.)
  • Depressants (tranquilizers, etc.)
  • Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, designer drugs, etc.)
  • Designer (MDA, MDA-known as ecstasy, ice, etc.)

Gardner-Webb will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees who violate the terms of paragraph one. Upon conviction, the appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the University and/or satisfactory participation in a drug and alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purpose by a federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency will be taken. More specific penalties are outlined in the following publications: Gardner-Webb University Student Handbook, Gardner- Webb University Special Studies Bulletin, Gardner-Webb University Graduate Catalog and Gardner-Webb Personnel Policies Manual. Violations may also be referred to the appropriate civil authorities for prosecution under local, state, and federal law.

Local, state, and federal laws prohibit the unlawful possession, and distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. The applicable legal sanctions for various offenses are listed in the North Carolina Criminal Law and Procedure book, and a reference copy is maintained in the University Police Office. A booklet describing the health risks associated with the illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol is made available to all students and employees. Additional information and individual counseling is available through the University’s Counseling Center in Tucker Student Center. If necessary and at the student/employee’s expense, referral can be made to an outside agency. Violation of subsection (a1) of this section shall be an infraction and shall not be considered a moving violation for purposes of G.S.20-16 (c), the law prohibiting passengers in a motor vehicle from possessing an open container of alcoholic beverage in the passenger area of a motor vehicle.

Dimensions is a weekly series of programs designed to enhance the spiritual, intellectual and cultural life of the University and Gardner-Webb is a community and all members of the community are responsible for maintaining order and discipline on the University campus. The Student Development Division serves the primary role of coordination and implementation of Gardner-Webb University’s substance abuse policy. The division’s position emphasizes the early identification and intervention into substance abuse problems experienced by persons.

The Counseling Center provides current information on alcohol and other drugs, including topics of addiction, self-assessment and help, consequences of drug use, and drug facts. Counselors are available for consultation with any person. The Office of Housing and Residence Education provides programs on topics of health care, to include alcohol use and abuse, throughout the year.

This information is made available through brochures, journals, books, videos and cassette tapes, posters and newsletters to faculty/staff and students. High-traffic areas of the campus will be provided with handout materials related to substance use and its consequences.

Educational experiences are offered by key areas within the University. These experiences include:

  • Alcohol Awareness Week—a week in October is set aside to focus on substance use and abuse. Offerings to the general campus population and special groups are also provided.
  • A program is in place and designed to assist students who have been found in violation of the University’s policies involving alcohol and other drugs. The purpose of the program is to provide students with an alcohol and drug assessment, to provide information about alcohol and other drugs, an opportunity to focus on issues that will help you prevent future violations and counseling and/or treatment referrals. This program is provided through a group experience of five sessions.
  • Presentation of videos, films, and invited speakers on issues of substance use and abuse. These will be provided each semester for students and periodically at faculty and staff meetings as requested.

Service-learning is an active learning practice that connects the work in the classroom directly to the needs of the community. The University maintains close affiliation with Partners Behavioral Health and Atrium Health, where persons may be referred for assessment and/or treatment. In addition, referrals may be made to local providers.

GWU Counseling Center (704) 406-4563
GWU Housing and Residence Education (704) 406-4300
GWU University Police (800) 418-2065
(704) 444-2400
Partners Behavioral Health ((877) 864-1454
Mental Health Association of Cleveland County (704) 481-8637
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (704) 377-0244
AA 24-hour Hotline (704) 332-4387
AA Website

Alcoholics Anonymous / Adult Children of Alcoholics / Al-Anon
AA is an informal international fellowship of people who join because they cannot control their use of alcohol. Their purpose is to stay sober and help others who want to achieve sobriety. They do not actively recruit new members, but newcomers are always welcome. They meet and talk about their alcohol problems and how to stay sober. Al-Anon is a fellowship that offers support for family and friends of alcoholics whether the alcoholic wants help or even admits he or she has a drinking problem. Comfort and understanding is given through a mutual exchange of experiences, strength and hope. Phone: (704) 484-1000.

Tobacco Policy

Gardner-Webb University is a Tobacco Free Campus. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the implementation and maintenance of a tobacco-free campus at Gardner-Webb University.

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the implementation and maintenance of a tobacco-free campus at Gardner-Webb University.

Gardner-Webb University has a long history of enhancing quality of life for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Gardner-Webb serves as a center for intellectual development in Cleveland County, NC and the surrounding communities. As a leader in higher education, Gardner-Webb has an obligation to not only develop minds, but to promote health-enhancing behaviors and to provide an environment that enables improved health status. “For years, there has been evidence that reducing tobacco usage can greatly decrease frequency of cancer, stroke, heart and lung disorders and several additional health-related conditions. By implementing the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy, Gardner-Webb University is seeking to enhance the health of our students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campus”.  Gardner-Webb proactively prohibited tobacco use in campus facilities in 1996. The evidence that tobacco threatens both smokers and nonsmokers continue to mount. The latest U.S. Surgeon General’s report (June 2006), “The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke,” was Gardner-Webb’s final motivation toward launching the “Great Choices-Healthy Futures” health promotion campaign.

This policy does not compel students, faculty or staff to quit using tobacco products: however, if anyone desires to quit, Gardner-Webb University will support this positive behavioral change effort through the provision of cessation resources and educational interventions.

  1. Tobacco Products: Includes but is not limited to cigarettes, vaping devices, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes, nicotine pouches (such as Zyn), chewing tobacco and snuff.
  2. Tobacco Use: Includes smoking, chewing, dipping or any other use of tobacco products.
  3. Gardner-Webb University’s tobacco-free policy, prohibits the use of all tobacco products on campus, including nicotine pouches like Zyn.
    • This measure aims to promote a healthier campus environment by eliminating exposure to nicotine and tobacco products.
  4. Students: Includes but is not limited to full-time day students, residential students, part-time students, commuter students, graduate students, DCP students and other special students.
  5. Campus: Includes any and all University-owned, leased, or maintained property including but not limited to buildings, facilities, sidewalks, roadways, parking lots, and grounds. This includes University-owned, rented, or leased vehicles. This policy also applies to personal vehicles parked on University property. The tobacco-free policy applies to all rental properties leased from the University. Gardner-Webb locations away from the main campus are expected to voluntarily comply with the University’s tobacco-free policy.

(This policy supersedes all previous tobacco policies

  1. Effective August 6, 2007, Gardner-Webb University became a tobacco-free campus. Tobacco use on campus is prohibited.
  2. This policy applies to trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors, clients, and visitors.
  3. Sale of tobacco products on campus is prohibited.
  4. The free distribution of tobacco products on campus is prohibited.
  5. All tobacco advertising in public spaces, such as billboard and signage, is prohibited.
  6. Tobacco advertisements are prohibited in University publications.
  7. Tobacco use is prohibited in connection with all University-sponsored activities, whether on or off campus.

  1. It is the hope of Gardner Webb University that students, employees and visitors will recognize the value of this policy and voluntarily comply. Implementation and enforcement of this policy are the shared responsibility of the entire University community. The process of achieving a tobacco-free environment will take time and patience. Gardner Webb University believes that for this policy to be effective, a self-enforcing culture needs to be the norm. Therefore, all members of the University community will be asked to courteously and tactfully inform persons of the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.
  2. Managers/Supervisors/Department Chairs/Deans/Associate Provosts will be responsible for orienting employees to the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.
  3. The Office of Human Resources personnel will inform prospective employees of the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.
  4. Any contracts for use or lease of University property or facilities will clearly state the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.
  5. The Offices of Respective Student Admissions personnel will inform prospective students of the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.
  6. Except as may be limited by this policy, Gardner-Webb University does not seek to force or require cessation of tobacco product use by its students, faculty or staff. Gardner Webb University seeks to uphold the personal rights and decision-making processes of all persons involved and resolves to provide educational interventions and cessation assistance for those individuals seeking assistance.

  • Compliance effective November 6, 2007.
  • Consequences of Non-Compliance
  1. Students are expected to comply with all stated University policies. Non-compliance of the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy should be reported to the University’s Student Conduct Office in Student Development. Non-compliance will require action through the University’s current judicial procedures. In addition to written documentation of non-compliance in the student’s disciplinary file, possible sanction may be enforced.
  2. Staff
    As an employer, Gardner Webb University has the right to limit the use of tobacco products on its property. Those employees who use tobacco products do not have the right to violate this policy. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action in conformance with the Personnel Policy Manual. Non-compliance should be reported to the employee’s supervisor. Many cessation or other educational intervention resources are available for use by employees and may be recommended by the employee’s supervisor.
  3. Faculty
    As an employer, Gardner-Webb University has the right to limit the use of tobacco products on its property. Those faculty members who use tobacco products do not have the right to violate this policy. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action in conformance with the Faculty Handbook. Non-compliance of any faculty member should be reported to the faculty member’s Dean or Department Chair. Many cessation or other educational intervention resources are available for use by faculty members and may be recommended by the appropriate Dean or Department Chair.
  4. Personnel Renting/Using Grounds or Facilities/Outside Contractors
    Gardner Webb University has the right to limit the use of tobacco products on its property. Personnel renting/using the grounds/facilities or outside contractors do not have the right to violate this policy. Contract agreements with such personnel may be terminated or not renewed. Fines may be assessed.
  5. Visitors/Others
    Visitors and others visiting Campus or participating in any University-sponsored activities are subject to this policy.