The Gardner-Webb logo is the centerpiece of the University’s visual identity. Consistent usage of the logo and its supporting elements across all marketing and communications materials is extremely important. When done properly, adherence to these guidelines will improve brand recognition, and strengthen the overall perception of the University.

Our Logo Concept

The Gardner-Webb University logomark is designed to be used as a storytelling device.
Its two main components—the flames and the shield—are used to represent the
University’s primary brand pillars:

  • Christian Community
    • The flames are a longstanding symbol of Christianity and the number three represents the Holy Trinity.
  • Partnerships
    • Three interwoven flames working together combine with the shield to form a unified visual symbol.
  • Student-centered
    • The large, orange flame represents the student at the center of this strong, thriving institution.

Components of the Logomark

logomark flame with arrows directed to the table below.
The interwoven flames represent:The shield represents:
The student (bright and passionate), Christ (the light of the world), and the warm, welcoming community of Gardner-Webb UniversityA steady environment where you are provided the opportunity for spiritual and intellectual growth.
GWU horizontal logo sample

primary, horizontal Logo

The horizontal, shaded logo is the default, primary logo treatment for Gardner-Webb University. Use this logo treatment whenever possible.

Secondary, Stacked Logo

The stacked, centered, shaded logo should only be used when there is not enough space for the horizontal logo.

Logo Variations

Full Color, Shaded Logo (default)

The Gardner-Webb full color, shaded logo is the preferred default logo. However, there are certain instances when an alternate logo is necessary (see the variations below).

GWU horizontal and stacked logos shaded and in full color


When the full color, shaded logo is on a black background, use the version with white text.


The all white logo may be used for single-color print jobs, or when the logo is placed on a solid color. The solid color must be a brand-approved color: GWU Red, Dark Red, Bright Red, Dark Orange, Light Orange, Medium Gray, Dark Gray and Black (view colors here).


The all black logo should only be used for one-color print jobs.


For these logos, the flame/shield is not shaded—it’s flat. These logos should only be used when the full color, shaded logo cannot be printed. There is also a version that has white text with the flat-colored flame/shield. Usage example: embroidery on apparel

Logo Isolation


Isolation of the wordmark is used in special circumstances, and only with written approval from University Marketing and Communications.

FLAME / SHIELD (symbol only)

Isolation of the flame/shield is used in special circumstances, and only with written approval from University Communications and Marketing.

Logo Requests

Please contact the Office of Creative Services for guidance regarding logo usage or if you need a copy of the official logo.