We will make our University a destination of first choice for an increasing number of students from around the state, from across the region, and beyond.
Enhance curriculum delivery by incorporating and maintaining technology/equipment to support student learning and faculty teaching.
Document the establishment of a task force consisting of members across CoHS programs to conduct a needs assessment identifying technology/equipment upgrade and maintenance, and software purchasing and upgrade priorities.
Develop and implement an action plan based on documented priorities aligning with best practices for health sciences education.
Develop new programs and expand current programs to meet the emerging needs in health and wellness.
Document progress of the CoHS New Program Workgroup in identifying, recommending, and proposing new program offering(s).
Document partnership with the GWU PACE Program in development and improvement of health sciences continuing education offerings.
Initiate opportunities for interprofessional collaboration and simulation within the College of Health Sciences
Document the establishment of a CoHS Simulation Coordinator position to organize, implement and support interprofessional simulation.
Develop metrics to integrate and evaluate interprofessional experiential learning opportunities.
Utilize data resulting from developed metrics to determine future growth opportunities for interprofessional education.
We will increase and diversify the sources of revenue needed to sustain the growth and strengthening of our vibrant, comprehensive University.
Establish a CoHS infrastructure and clear workflow to support CoHS faculty and staff in applying for and establishing grant revenue streams to support their respective programs.
Document collaborative efforts with the Office of Advancement to establish a CoHS Advancement Council comprised of external stakeholders for support in identifying potential funding opportunities.
Document the establishment of an internal task force to partner with the Office of Advancement for assistance in designing an infrastructure related to successful management of all phases of the grant funding process.
Seek university support in training of interested faculty and staff in writing successful grant proposals.
Gardner-Webb University is a private university with a very public mission. We will increase our positive impact in the broader community and in the region by partnering with those who share our interest in improving the quality of life in Cleveland County and beyond.
Expand outreach and service-learning opportunities in the community.
Collect baseline data from all programs related to community partnership efforts for 2019-2020.
Utilize 2019-2020 baseline data to document an increase in active participation of faculty and staff in community partnership efforts.
Collect baseline data from all programs related to integration of service learning into each program’s curriculum for 2019-2020.
Utilize 2019-2020 baseline data to document an increase of efforts within the CoHS of integration of service learning into each program’s curriculum.
Collect baseline data from all programs related to the offering of community educational trainings and sessions to promote a healthy lifestyle for 2019-2020.
Utilize 2019-2020 baseline data to document an increase of offerings of community educational trainings and sessions to promote a healthy lifestyle.
We will achieve and sustain a reputation as North Carolina’s leader in Christian higher education.
Cultivate an atmosphere that promotes a Christ-centered culture that strengthens interprofessional relationships and builds unity.
Expand initial efforts begun in the HSON (A Bulldog Nurse CARES) to develop specific branding for CoHS articulating the integration of the Gardner-Webb Christian identify and healthcare professions.