Chorales conductor

The University Chorales are voicing-only choirs open to all GWU students, faculty, and staff. These ensembles rehearse twice weekly, perform regularly scheduled concerts on campus, and perform occasionally for events in the local area.

Gardner Singers (MUSC 375-B), under the direction of Dr. Aaron Rice, serves students with tenor and bass voices. Webb Chorale (MUSC 375-L), under the direction of Dr. Eric Johnson, serves students with soprano and alto voices. The University Chorales are non-audition ensembles. At the beginning of a given member’s first semester, students complete a private voicing with the ensemble director. This allows the ensemble director to get to know each student’s voice personally.

Non-Music Major members of the University Chorales receive a scholarship of $1,000 per year. Please contact Dr. Joshua Cheney, Director of Choral Activities, for more information.

chorales conductor
chorales student singing